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The original and most recognizable Sidson notice the white iris,the inflamed nostrils,and upperbite

Sidson/Sidjak is a recent Soyjak variant that attempts to be a "spiritual successor" to Cobson, using Russle Crowe as Sid 6.7 in Virtuosity as replacement for Jedediah Smith in lawnmower man. Like Cobson, Sidson has accumulated a mixed infamy within the soy community mainly due it being associated with Vinluv, a controversial figure.


They may take our threads,but they'll never take away our IDs

Sidson's timeline is tied to #VATHgate. Since it's creation on the 30th anniversary of The Lawnmower Man, Sidson has recieved mixed reviews, majority of it being negativity and confusion. despite the criticism Vinluv continued to force push it until it finally got a tag on the booru[1] which was promptly hidden, spurring talks of #Vathgate once more.

The original Inspiration
Sootron,it was wrong to serve you.
The Final Sid-lution

Sid as a Means of Revolution

The Variant of the people

Sid's Polarizing nature makes the Variant prime use as fodder asing Soyvile War shenanigans,also as a battlecry against's Soot and Kuz's radicle decisions. Sid is also used as a mascot for #VATHgate protests,symboling a coming age of Jakking,led by Vinluvian forces.

Hid Sids

Can you find them all?

as a mean of protest Vinluv developed a new form of stealthjakking,said jakking is hiding sids and regular soyjaks in hopes of incidentally being reposted and saved,spreading against the janny's will. Vinluv's attempts are quite succesful with only his more intentionally obvious posts ignoring ire.

