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Earth, the most common & widely circulated of the Soy Planets. Almost all planetjakkers have an Earth in their folders. Planetjaks made by those new to the community sometimes consist exclusively of it.
Earth, the most common & widely circulated of the Soy Planets. Almost all planetjakkers have an Earth in their folders. Planetjaks made by those new to the community sometimes consist exclusively of it.

Planets, or Soy Planets, are a series of nine soyjak themed planets and one soyjak sun, created by a soyteen for use in educational Soygate videoes. They have since been repurposed to make Planetjaks. A full set of the original 9 Soy Planets is a highly sought after status symbol, as it signals the holder possesses extensive skill in the creation of Planetjaks and great knowledge of the Planetjak community.


The original planetjak. Its creator is unknown, but his magnum opus will live on forever in our minds.
The original planetjak. Its creator is unknown, but his magnum opus will live on forever in our minds. The reverberations of his creation will be felt for many years to come.

The primary purpose of Soy Planets is to create Planetjaks. Planetjaks generally fall into two categories: renditions of already existing soyjaks, and stick figures. Renditions of already existing soyjaks attempt to recreate a soyjak using planets instead of lines. Stick figures seek to create humanoid figures using planets. Posters who create high quality planetjaks are sometimes rewarded with rare planets, often through e-mail to avoid unqualified posters acquiring them.


There are many different lists that attempt to rank planetjaks in terms of rarity, but generally speaking: Earth, Mercury and Venus are considered the relatively common, Mars is harder to find, the gas giants Saturn and Jupiter are fairly rare, Uranus is very rare, Neptune is extremely rare, and Pluto is the rarest planetjak of all.

Planetjakkers sometimes use the names of various planets to refer to the quality of planetjaks, much like how soyteens refer to high quality posts as gems, and horrendous ones as coal. For example, a high-effort planetjak featuring a wide array of planets may be referred to as Neptune, whereas a terrible one hastily thrown together in photoshop could be called Earth.

The Sun

The Sun is an ultra-rare soy planet[1] possessed by only a select few planetjakkers. Its existence was highly debated within the planetjak community until recently, when it was used in the creation of a 5000x5000 resolution planetjak. Accounts of the sun are varying and sometimes contradictory, but the one thing all owners of it seem to agree on is that it is a high resolution image.

The rarity of the Sun likely stems from the manner in which it was originally distributed. The creator of the original soy planets has stated that it was the final image he posted in the thread, and that the thread received no more responses after its posting. It is likely that only one soyteen chose to save the image of the Sun when it was posted in that thread.

Many planetjakkers devote themselves to acquiring the sun. It is perhaps the only thing more prestigious in the planetjak community than a collection of the 9 original soy planets. It is known that at least one planetjakker has succeeded in this endeavor, and it is believed he is the one who confirmed its existence by incorporating it into the 5000x5000 planetjak.

Unofficial Soy Planets

Unofficial soy planets are soy planets that were not part of the original 10 images distributed by the creator. They are usually images of exoplanets, though there are many unofficial soy planets based off of moons and asteroids. The most well-known unofficial soy planet is the moon, which many new planetjakkers often confuse with Mercury. An easy way to differentiate the two is through facial analysis - the face of the original Mercury features Cobson, whereas the face of the most commonly distributed version of the moon does not.

Unofficial soy planets have generally had a positive reception, with many hailing them for providing a sense of freshness to the planetjak community. There has been some critique of them, however, mostly focusing on posters who attempt to force their own planets by spamming them in planetjak threads. Some have dubbed planetjaks made with unofficial planets as "tranny planetjaks", because they believe they will never be real planetjaks.

Notes & Citations

  1. Actually a star, but who cares?