Angeleno ✡

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Revision as of 03:58, 2 January 2024 by Cobson306 (talk | contribs)
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This page is biased
It was written by a butthurt j*rtyCUCK.

Another Day in sneed life of troongeleno

(((Angeleno))) (nicknamed Troongeleno) is sneed current owner of sneed soyjak wiki (which he bought from Soot) and a cringe and bluepilled tranny who kneels to Niggerdicks and Jews. is known for talking to himself and acting out his violent delusions.

Early Life




Angeleno came from humble beginnings as sneed moderator and owner of a children's jumpscare wiki under sneed username Lawiki but eventually changed it to Angeleno.

Buying The Soyjak Wiki

At some point (we don't know when because he has never given a clear answer, but given his edit history since at least may 2022) Angeleno found sneed party and sneed soyjak wiki. At this point in time sneed wiki was in a state of disrepair, and many editors had left because of sneed constant edit wars and bbc/cp spam. He repeatedly offered to buy sneed site from soot and soot, being sneed naïve retard he is, accepted.

Distant Early Warning

People first started to realize Angeleno was less than they had hoped when in his reddit AMA he admitted to being a pisscord tranny and started seething about people pretending to be him as a joke (janny later deleted these gemmy posts)

Cucking To Kolyma

Angeleno is known to submit to Kuz's demand. Despite sneed fact that sneed wiki is supposed to neutral and not aligned to anyone, sneed troon still deletes and reverts anything which Kuz tells him to. Sometimes he even does it on his own accord and reverts anything anti-Kuz

When one of sneed jannies leaked some shit from sneed parties janny board and uploaded to sneed wiki after it was deleted, Angeleno finally revealed his status as a plant by deleting it because of a "direct order from sneed NSS"

He also deleted sneed page for "advertising" even though talking about something and recording its history isn't sneed same as shilling at all.

Censoring j*rtyCUCKCraft

Wanting to record our rich baby game history, minetoddlers tried to make a soyjak wiki page on j*rtyCUCKCraft. he then instadeleted it for (((advertising))). Once again a fun article had been ruined by sharty-jarty shitflinging In response prizma had a pissbaby meltdown and made this wiki so he and his Lutecord friends would finally have a place to dilate away from muh evil kolyma.

A Farewell To Coal

With Lute planning to create a new soyjak wiki free from needless censorship it is becoming more and more likely that sneed current soyjak wiki will join other dead shithole wikis. However he still has many more users than us

Sue Serious

Trangeleno had a meltdown one day and decided to sue Lute and over internet memes, but later backpaddled when people called him retarded. Specifically he had attempted to claim that pages on sneed were copyrighted and his property and therefore Article Chudding them was illegal. This completely contradicted sneed wiki's own copyright policy, which states that all articles are in sneed public domain.

New Friends

On November 30, Trangeleno was found dead in his Los Angeles apartment. Reception was very positive after this happening.

16 Tons

In order to sell more data to his Jewish masters Angeleno installed Matomo datamining tech


The wiki keeps going down because some faggot keeps vandalizing it with CP and blaming sneed Jarty

Multiple personality disorder

Angeleno has several split personalities, all who insist they are sneed real one, and sneed others are fakes

This can be seen in his paranoia with over being "impersonated". The moment this site opened he was one of sneed first people to make an account so nobody else could use his username.

TL:DR angeleno needs to less talky talky more takey takey zyklon B


Angeleno is famous party-wide for his exotic tastes in both men and boys. Engages in anal sex with ugly african niggers.


Entirely loyal towards a third party company, namely kolyma, and likely a whole state too, in this case israel - thereby confirming sneed above mentioned "Early life" section about him being a kike.

Tranny behaviour

Angeleno is known to be a massive troon. He browses and Soyrodotus everyday 24/7, while hes dilating. If he sees a thread on sneed jarty, mentioning an edit someone from sneed jarty made, he will instantly revert it for "Advertising" or "Raiding", even if it was not spam nor was there any mention of sneed jarty. Like all troons he has a discord account and circlejerks in sneed kolymacord about how kuz is being "slandered" by sneed evil soyteens. It is likely he has discord bots setup to monitor any changes to sneed wiki.

In his defense

He did stop sneed endless edit wars and CP spam like he promised.


He hasn't yet played on j*rtyCUCKCraft, he is too busy dilating and browsing sneed jarty 24/7. However he does play babycraft and even went to minecon 2016 like a good kikesoft shill


Has spend over two weeks on sneed sharty, likes to think of himself as a oldfag and uses discord like all his fellow sisters in sneed kolyma irc. (heckin debunked since he has been using sneed wiki since may 2022)

He is a proud apple user as evidenced by his user page

He lives in Los Angeles and is commiefornia faggot.

He loves trannyzellig, probably because he is paid to shill it.