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[[File:Sovietjak.jpg|thumb|Average Bunkerchan user|263x263px]]
{{Infobox Imageboard Site
|imageboard_name = Leftypol
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
|imageboard_logo = [[File:Leftypol logo.png|100px]]
|date_founded = September 8th, 2015
|major_boards = /leftypol/
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
|total_posts = 1,000,000+
|homepage = [https://leftypol.org/ leftypol.org]}}
<s>FORMERLY AHAHAHAHAH Bunkerchan.net</s> leftypol.org, or leftychan.net, is a [[datamining]] website founded in 1998. Originally a board on [[8chan]], it was made as an alternative to [[4chan]]nel's [[/pol/]] board. <ref>https://web.archive.org/web/20210208104542/http://bunkerchan.net/leftypol/res/668788.html</ref>
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
Bunkerchan.net <s>DO</s> DID NOT tolerate intolerance nor bigotry. <ref>https://web.archive.org/web/20210208104542/http://bunkerchan.net/leftypol/res/668788.html</ref> Interestingly enough though, they [[though]] that Gulags were so funny they named a nigger board after them. Bunkerchan? More like bunkertranny! <ref>https://web.archive.org/web/20210401210549/http://bunkerchan.net/gulag/</ref> <ref>https://web.archive.org/web/20210725183315/https://leftypol.org/gulag/</ref>
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
== Datamining! ==
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
To nobody's surprises leftypol.org mods, specifically Cabalo (who is responsible for the radlib wordfilters for "nigger" and "tranny" btw) engage in datamining, proof below.[[File:Incel.jpg|thumb|196x196px|Another description of an average bunkerchan user]]
[[File:Datamining.png|center|thumb|Post this, and see how quickly you'll get banned.]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
==See Also==
== Citations ==
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
EDUARDO FOLTS IS A SLUT FOR BBC[[File:30986351.png|200px]]
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Revision as of 11:55, 16 August 2022

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