Soyjak Wiki:How to IRC

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So you want to connect to IRC? Follow the instructions below.


Using is pretty self explanatory.

You do not need to modify anything in "Network Settings" or "Proxy Settings."

When it comes to "User Settings," you also do not need to modify anything here, but you may if you would like.

Nick: The Nickname that you will join as. Automatically set as "Anonymous##"
Username: The username that you will join as. Shows up when WHOISing a user. Automatically set as "anonymous."
Real Name: Your real name. Shows up when WHOISing a user. Automatically set as ""
Leave Message: The message that shows up to other users when you leave. Automatically set as ""
Channels: The channels that you will automatically join once you click connect. Automatically set as "#kolyma." Can accept more than one channel (e.g. "#kolyma #vidlii).

Once you connect, your screen should look like this. The left rail shows the channels you joined. The main portion shows messages that were sent, the right rail shows users that are connected to the specific channel you joined (most usernames were censored for privacy). For example, if you clicked kuz's name, a popup would appear with a few options. Clicking on the username located on the popup will open a query (direct message) with that user. Clicking "user information" does the equivalent of a /whois on the user.

Connecting to Rizon (and #4chan)

You can also connect to non-Kolyma servers through To connect to Rizon, change the server to "" You can also change the name if you'd like, but it's not mandatory. The port does not need to be changed. You may want to change "Real Name" and "Leave Message." Here is an example of set to join Rizon.

In order to join #4chan, using NickServ is MANDATORY (see section below) on how to set that up. After you set that up, you can easily join 4chan (/join 4chan) and yell at the mods to bring back /qa/!

Using Konversation

Konversation is a great IRC client[1]. You can download it here for Windows or Linux. Alternatively, if you have Mac, you can download it here.

Here's a quick guide by KDE on how to use Konversation.

This is how Kolyma IRC should be set up. For Rizon, just change to

The port should be set to 6697 if you want SSL. If you cannot connect via SSL, uncheck "Secure Connection (SSL)" and use port 6667.

Using an IRC Bouncer

Using an IRC bouncer requires that you have a server. Many of the major VPS providers provide free credit for you to try them out. Alternatively, you can also ask about KolymaNET's KolymaBNC.[2]

Use ZNC. DO NOT use any other bouncer software (PsyBNC, etc) as they have very little support and documentation.

Vultr has a pretty good guide on how to get ZNC set up. Replace "" with "" for Kolyma IRC.

You can then connect to the bouncer by setting the domain in your client to your domain (ex. and the port to the port you chose the bouncer to run on.

Using NickServ

NickServ is a vital part of IRC. NickServ allows you to reserve a username. For example, if you reserved the username "Kuz," and you were offline, someone else would not be able to connect as "Kuz."

To register your nick:

/msg NickServ REGISTER [password] [e-mail]

Note that the e-mail is only required on certain IRC servers, such as Rizon. The username is grabbed from the nickname you used on your IRC client.

To Identify yourself

/msg NickServ IDENTIFY [password]


HostServ is similar to NickServ except that it masks your host. Without one, your name might look like this: "[email protected]." With HostServ, you can set that to whatever you want. DO NOTE that your VHost must be approved. For Kolyma, your VHost must have "at least 2 parts, seperated by a dot. but it can have as many as 6." And you are allowed to use your own website if you wish. Other IRC servers, such as Rizon, have different policies.

Requesting a VHost requires that you are identified from NickServ. Once you have done that, you may request a VHost.

To request a VHost:

/msg HostServ REQUEST [your.vhost]

Example Usage: /msg HostServ REQUEST
Requests that your VHost be set to (ex. [USERNAME]

After doing this, you will receive a message letting you know if your VHost was accepted or not. It should look something like this:

[Notice] -MemoServ- You have a new memo from HostServ.
[Notice] -MemoServ- Type /msg MemoServ READ 1 to read it.

After your VHost is approved, you can enable or disable your VHost by typing

/msg HostServ on


/msg HostServ off


Notable Commands

Please note that commands are not case sensitive.

/join [#channel]
Allows you to join a channel. The # is optional.
Example usage: /join kolyma
Joins the channel with the name #kolyma.

/leave [#channel]
Allows you to leave a channel.
Example usage: /leave kolyma
Leaves the channel with the name #kolyma.

Shows you the message of the day. This usually includes information about the server.

Shows you the server rules. On some servers, including Kolyma's, the rule file may be missing, as the rules are located somewhere else.

Leaves the IRC server.

/query [user] [message]
Allows you to send a direct message to another user. The [message] is optional (keeping it blank will just open an empty chat with the user you are starting a direct message with).
Example usage: /query kuz HWABAG
Sends a direct message to the user kuz with the text "HWABAG."

/msg MemoServ send {nick | channel} [text]
Allows you to a message to a registered user or channel, even if the user is offline. You both must have a registered nick through NickServ. The user does not have to be offline to use this.
Example usage: /msg MemoServ send ANGELENOOOOOO FIX THE WIKI
Sends a direct message to the user Angeleno with the message "ANGELENOOOOOO FIX THE WIKI"

/msg MemoServ cancel {nick | channel}
Allows you to cancel any unread memos that you sent to the end user.
Example usage: /msg MemoServ cancel Angeleno
Cancels the message that would have been sent above.

/whois [user]
Allows you to see information about a user.
Example usage: /whois Angeleno
Tells you information about the user "Angeleno."

/whowas [user]
Allows you to see information about a user that recently left the server.

/who [#channel]
Allows you to see all users that are part of a specific channel. ONLY works in channels that you are a part of.
Example usage: /who #kolyma
Lists all users that are part of #kolyma.

Sends a list of all channels on the IRC network.

/nick [new nickname]
Changes your nickname to something else. You cannot set your nickname to a nickname that was reserved via NickServ to someone else.
Example usage: /nick moot
Changes your nickname to moot.

Operator Only Commands

These commands will only work if you are an operator
/mode {#channel | user} [+/-][mode]
Allows you to add or remove certain modes to your channel. These are some of the modes. These are case-sensitive

  • n - Prohibits users that are not part of the channel from sending messages to it.
  • t - Prohibits topic creation from users that are not operators
  • i - Makes your channel invite only.
  • r - Prohibit users that have not identified with NickServ from joining your channel.
  • R - Prohibit users that have not identified with NickServ from sending messages.
  • m - Only approved users (users with voice) or Operators can send messages.
  • P - Makes it so the channel is permanent and does not disappear if no users are in it. Most places, including KolymaNET and Rizon, prohibit users from adding this mode.

For a list of all IRC modes, click here.
Example: /mode #gem-lounge +nti
Makes the channel #gem-lounge invite only (i), prevents non-operators from setting a topic (t), and prevents users that are not part of the channel from sending message to it (n). Other modes that are may be part of the channel remain intact.
Example 2: /mode #coal-mines -m
Removes the -m mode from the channel #coal-mines, which now allows anyone to send messages in it. Other modes that are may be part of the channel remain intact.

/mode is also your key to OPing or DeOPing users, as well as banning them. The syntax is the following:

/mode [channel] [+/-][mode] [user]

Here is some of the modes for users:

  • o - Operator
  • b - Banned

Example: /mode #gem-lounge +b Coaler
Bans the user with the name "Coaler."
Example 2: /mode #gem-lounge -b Coaler
Unbans the user with the name "Coaler."

/kick [user]
Kicks a user from your channel.

/invite [user] [#channel]
Invites a user to your channel.

If you ever need to know about other commands, just type in /helpop usercmds, then the command you want to know more about (ex. /helpop away)


  1. Because I said so
  2. There was some info about this in the original statement about Kolyma opening their IRC, but I cannot find the statement. If someone knows where it is, please link it here.