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A small userscript that fixes the following bugs with the sharty:
A small userscript that fixes the following bugs with the sharty:

* Time inaccuracy
* Google captcha not resetting
*   <s>Time inaccuracy</s> Resolved
* Quick reply Google captcha endless loading
*   <s>Google captcha not</s> resetting Resolved
* Clicking post number sometimes refreshing the page
*   <s>Quick reply Google captcha endless loading</s> Resolved
* Multi-line automatic greentext
*   Clicking post number sometimes refreshing the page
* Reporting posts from the overboard
*   Multi-line automatic greentext
* Automatically load and complete text captcha
*   Reporting posts from the overboard
* Reset text captcha when post fails
*   Automatically load and complete vichan text captcha (NOT KAPTCHA)
* Submit post with Ctrl+Enter
*   Reset text captcha when post fails
* Bypass wordfilter (disabled since wordfilter is gone)
*   Submit post with Ctrl+Enter
* Hide password
*   Bypass wordfilter
* Hide threads from catalog (Shift+Click)
*   Hide password
* Optional - mass reply/quote
*   Hide threads from catalog (Shift+Click, triple tap on mobile)
* Optional - anonymise name/trips
*   Hide blotter
*    Search catalog
*    Image from URL (userscript manager only, User JS option breaks from CORS)
*    Remove kolyma jump datamining
*    '''(Optional)''' - Quick quote, mass reply/quote
*   '''(Optional)''' - Anonymise name/trips
*    '''(Optional)''' - Truncate long posts
*    '''(Optional)''' - Hide images from saged posts

Revision as of 10:37, 17 December 2022

On users can add custom javascript under Options->User JS in the top right of the page to customize their browsing experience.

Merging Scripts

You can use any of these scripts at once by pasting them one after another in Options->User JS.

Code Snippets

Sharty fixes

A small userscript that fixes the following bugs with the sharty:

  • Time inaccuracy Resolved
  • Google captcha not resetting Resolved
  • Quick reply Google captcha endless loading Resolved
  • Clicking post number sometimes refreshing the page
  • Multi-line automatic greentext
  • Reporting posts from the overboard
  • Automatically load and complete vichan text captcha (NOT KAPTCHA)
  • Reset text captcha when post fails
  • Submit post with Ctrl+Enter
  • Bypass wordfilter
  • Hide password
  • Hide threads from catalog (Shift+Click, triple tap on mobile)
  • Hide blotter
  • Search catalog
  • Image from URL (userscript manager only, User JS option breaks from CORS)
  • Remove kolyma jump datamining
  • (Optional) - Quick quote, mass reply/quote
  • (Optional) - Anonymise name/trips
  • (Optional) - Truncate long posts
  • (Optional) - Hide images from saged posts

Install from Greasy Fork into a userscript manager or paste


into the User JS settings. Source code is plain-text in the load_js link, not here directly as it keeps requiring updates.



  • Detects flood posts and hides them (you can set amount of lines and words to hide)
  • Forced anonymity (hides namefags, can be disabled)
  • Hides emailfags or sagefags (can be disabled for sagefags)
  • Highlights triple parentheses
  • Highlights datamining (makes posts glow)
  • Inline Youtube Previews (+invidious support)
  • Replaces "Gem" and "Coal" with minecraft icons
  • Replaces "Bump" and "Sage" with upvote and downvote icons

Expand to view the script

// ==UserScript==
// @name         SoyParty-X
// @namespace    datamining
// @version      0.2
// @description  Cure the cancer that is killing
// @author       Chud (You)
// @match*
// @icon
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

/* eslint-env jquery */




- hidePosts() now detects flood posts.


- hidePosts()
- forcedAnonymity()
- highlightTripleParentheses()
- highlightDatamining()
- inlineYoutubePreviews()
- replaceCoalAndGemsWithIcon()
- replaceBumpAndSageWithIcons()


(function SoyPartyX() {
  // true = hide posts where the e-mail is "sage".
  const _hideMailtoSage = true;

  // true = scrub email, trip, and force all names to be "Chud".
  // - Emailfags and tripfags are already hidden.
  // - Namefags aren't hidden, but turning this on will anonymize them.
  // false = don't change posts (default).
  const _enableForcedAnonymity = false;

  // Sets the limit for a post to be considered a flood post.
  // If one of the criteria is met, the post is hidden.
  const floodThresholdLines = 30;
  const floodThresholdCharacters = 3000;

  forcedAnonymity(); // Must come AFTER hidePosts()

  function hidePosts() {
    $(".post").each((i, el) => {
      const $el = $(el);
      const reasons = [];

      const isOp = $el.hasClass("op");

      if ($el.has(".trip").length) {
      if (_hideMailtoSage && $el.has('[href^="mailto:sage"]').length) {
      if ($el.has('[href^="mailto:sage"])').length) {

      const body = $el.has(".body");
      const bodyLines = body.html().split("<br>").length;
      const bodyLength = body.text().length;

      if (
        bodyLines > floodThresholdLines ||
        bodyLength > floodThresholdCharacters
      ) {
          `possible flooding: ${bodyLength} characters in ${bodyLines} lines`

      if (reasons.length) {
        const $notice = $("<div>")
          .addClass(`post ${isOp ? "op" : "reply"}`)
            `<div class='body'><em>Post hidden (${reasons.join(
              ", "
            )}). Click to show.</em></div>`
        $ => {
          if (isOp) $el.prev(".files").show();
        if (isOp) $el.prev(".files").hide();

  function forcedAnonymity() {
    if (!_enableForcedAnonymity) return;
    // Remove all emails.
    $("").prop("outerHTML", "<span class='name'>Chud</span>");
    // Remove all tripcodes.
    $(".trip").prop("outerHTML", "");
    // Set all names to Chud.
    // Make sure not to overwrite (You)'s.
      .filter((i, el) => !$(el).has(".own_post").length)

  function replaceWordWithIcon(re, icon) {
    const matchesRe = (index, post) => $(post).html().match(re);

    const template = (match) =>
      `<img src="${icon}" style="max-height:2em; vertical-align:middle">`;

    const applyTemplate = (index, post) => {
      const $post = $(post);
      const html = $post.html();
      $post.html(html.replace(re, template));


  function replaceCoalAndGemsWithIcon() {
    replaceWordWithIcon(/coal/gi, "");
    replaceWordWithIcon(/gems?/gi, "");

  function replaceBumpAndSageWithIcons() {
    // replaceWordWithIcon(/bump/gi, "");
    // replaceWordWithIcon(/sage/gi, "");
    replaceWordWithIcon(/bump/gi, "");
    replaceWordWithIcon(/\bsage\b/gi, "");

  function highlightTripleParentheses() {
    const re = /\(\(\(.+?\)\)\)/g;
    const hasRe = (i, post) => post.innerHTML.match(re);

    const template = (match) =>
      `<span style='background-color:white;color:#0038B8;font-family:monospace;'>${match}</span>`;
    const applyTemplate = (i, post) => {
      post.innerHTML = post.innerHTML.replace(re, template);


  function highlightDatamining() {
    const reGlowie =
      /data(\s*|-)min(ing|er|ed)|(sell|selling|sold)\s+(my|our)?\s+data|cuckflare|cloudflare|cloud fleur/i;
    const hasReGlowie = (i, post) => post.innerHTML.match(reGlowie);
    const applyTemplate = (i, post) =>
        backgroundColor: "#D7EFD7",
        boxShadow: "#66FF66 0 0 2rem 0",

  function inlineYoutubePreviews() {
    const re = /(?:youtu\.be\/|\/watch\?v=)(.{11})/;
    const previewTemplate = (videoId) =>
      `<a href="${videoId}">${videoId}</a><br><img style="max-width:255px;max-height:255px" src="${videoId}/hqdefault.jpg" /><br><em>Watch on <a href="${videoId}">Invidious</a> (less datamining)</em><br>`;
    $(".body a")
      .filter(function (i) {
        return $(this).prop("href").match(re);
      .each(function (i) {
        $(this).prop("outerHTML", previewTemplate(this.href.match(re)[1]));

Post Filters

Allows you to filter posts based on comments, subject, name, and tripcode To access filters click on options button.

Expand to view the script

 * post-menu.js - adds dropdown menu to posts
 * Creates a global Menu object with four public methods:
 *   Menu.onclick(fnc)
 *     registers a function to be executed after button click, before the menu is displayed
 *   Menu.add_item(id, text[, title])
 *     adds an item to the top level of menu
 *   Menu.add_submenu(id, text)
 *     creates and returns a List object through which to manipulate the content of the submenu
 *   Menu.get_submenu(id)
 *     returns the submenu with the specified id from the top level menu
 *   The List object contains all the methods from Menu except onclick()
 *   Example usage:
 *     Menu.add_item('filter-menu-hide', 'Hide post');
 *     Menu.add_item('filter-menu-unhide', 'Unhide post');
 *     submenu = Menu.add_submenu('filter-menu-add', 'Add filter');
 *         submenu.add_item('filter-add-post-plus', 'Post +', 'Hide post and all replies');
 *         submenu.add_item('filter-add-id', 'ID');
 * Usage:
 *   $config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/jquery.min.js';
 *   $config['additional_javascript'][] = 'js/post-menu.js';
$(document).ready(function () {

var List = function (menuId, text) { = menuId;
	this.text = text;
	this.items = [];

	this.add_item = function (itemId, text, title) {
		this.items.push(new Item(itemId, text, title));
	this.list_items = function () {
		var array = [];
		var i, length, obj, $ele;

		if ($.isEmptyObject(this.items))

		length = this.items.length;
		for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
			obj = this.items[i];

			$ele = $('<li>', {id:}).text(obj.text);
			if ('title' in obj) $ele.attr('title', obj.title);

			if (obj instanceof Item) {
			} else {

				$ele.append($('<span>', {class: 'post-menu-arrow'}).text('»'));


		return $('<ul>').append(array);
	this.add_submenu = function (menuId, text) {
		var ele = new List(menuId, text);
		return ele;
	this.get_submenu = function (menuId) {
		for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
			if ((this.items[i] instanceof Item) || this.items[i].id != menuId) continue;
			return this.items[i];

var Item = function (itemId, text, title) { = itemId;
	this.text = text;

	// optional
	if (typeof title != 'undefined') this.title = title;

function buildMenu(e) {
	var pos = $(;
	var i, length;

	var $menu = $('<div class="post-menu"></div>').append(mainMenu.list_items());

	//  execute registered click handlers
	length = onclick_callbacks.length;
	for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
		onclick_callbacks[i](e, $menu);

	//  set menu position and append to page
	 $menu.css({top:, left: pos.left + 20});

function addButton(post) {
	var $ele = $(post);
		$('<a>', {href: '#', class: 'post-btn', title: 'Post menu'}).text('▶')

/* * * * * * * * * *
    Public methods
 * * * * * * * * * */
var Menu = {};
var mainMenu = new List();
var onclick_callbacks = [];

Menu.onclick = function (fnc) {

Menu.add_item = function (itemId, text, title) {
	mainMenu.add_item(itemId, text, title);

Menu.add_submenu = function (menuId, text) {
	return mainMenu.add_submenu(menuId, text);

Menu.get_submenu = function (id) {
	return mainMenu.get_submenu(id);

window.Menu = Menu;

/* * * * * * * *
 * * * * * * * */

/*  Styling
var $ele, cssStyle, cssString;

$ele = $('<div>').addClass('post reply').hide().appendTo('body');
cssStyle = $ele.css(['border-top-color']);
cssStyle.hoverBg = $('body').css('background-color');

cssString =
	'\n/*** Generated by post-menu ***/\n' +
	'.post-menu {position: absolute; font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.3em;}\n' +
	'.post-menu ul {\n' +
	'    background-color: '+ cssStyle['border-top-color'] +'; border: 1px solid #666;\n' +
	'    list-style: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; white-space: nowrap;\n}\n' +
	'.post-menu .post-submenu{white-space: normal; width: 90px;}' +
	'.post-menu .post-submenu>ul{white-space: nowrap; width: auto;}' +
	'.post-menu li {cursor: pointer; position: relative; padding: 4px 4px; vertical-align: middle;}\n' +
	'.post-menu li:hover {background-color: '+ cssStyle.hoverBg +';}\n' +
	'.post-menu ul ul {display: none; position: absolute;}\n' +
	'.post-menu li:hover>ul {display: block; left: 100%; margin-top: -3px;}\n' +
	'.post-menu-arrow {float: right; margin-left: 10px;}\n' +
	'.post-menu.hidden, .post-menu .hidden {display: none;}\n' +
	'.post-btn {transition: transform 0.1s; width: 15px; text-align: center; font-size: 10pt; opacity: 0.8; text-decoration: none; margin: -6px 0px 0px -5px !important; display: inline-block;}\n' +
	'.post-btn:hover {opacity: 1;}\n' +
	'.post-btn-open {transform: rotate(90deg);}\n';

if (!$('style.generated-css').length) $('<style class="generated-css">').appendTo('head');
$('style.generated-css').html($('style.generated-css').html() + cssString);

/*  Add buttons
$('.reply:not(.hidden), .thread>.op').each(function () {

 /*  event handlers
$('form[name=postcontrols]').on('click', '.post-btn', function (e) {
	var post =;

	if ($('post-btn-open')) {
	} else {
		//  close previous button


$(document).on('click', function (e){
	if ($('post-btn') || $('post-submenu'))


// on new posts
$(document).on('new_post', function (e, post) {


// Post Filters
if (active_page === 'thread' || active_page === 'index' || active_page === 'catalog' || active_page === 'ukko') {
	$(document).on('menu_ready', function () {
		'use strict';
		// returns blacklist object from storage
		function getList() {
			return JSON.parse(localStorage.postFilter);

		// stores blacklist into storage and reruns the filter
		function setList(blacklist) {
			localStorage.postFilter = JSON.stringify(blacklist);

		// unit: seconds
		function timestamp() {
			return Math.floor((new Date()).getTime() / 1000);

		function initList(list, boardId, threadId) {
			if (typeof list.postFilter[boardId] == 'undefined') {
				list.postFilter[boardId] = {};
				list.nextPurge[boardId] = {};
			if (typeof list.postFilter[boardId][threadId] == 'undefined') {
				list.postFilter[boardId][threadId] = [];
			list.nextPurge[boardId][threadId] = {timestamp: timestamp(), interval: 86400};  // 86400 seconds == 1 day

		function addFilter(type, value, useRegex) {
			var list = getList();
			var filter = list.generalFilter;
			var obj = {
				type: type,
				value: value,
				regex: useRegex

			for (var i=0; i<filter.length; i++) {
				if (filter[i].type == type && filter[i].value == value && filter[i].regex == useRegex)


		function removeFilter(type, value, useRegex) {
			var list = getList();
			var filter = list.generalFilter;

			for (var i=0; i<filter.length; i++) {
				if (filter[i].type == type && filter[i].value == value && filter[i].regex == useRegex) {
					filter.splice(i, 1);


		function nameSpanToString(el) {
			var s = ''; 

			$.each($(el).contents(), function(k,v) {
				if (v.nodeName === 'IMG')
				if (v.nodeName === '#text')
			return s.trim();

		var blacklist = {
			add: {
				post: function (boardId, threadId, postId, hideReplies) {
					var list = getList();
					var filter = list.postFilter;

					initList(list, boardId, threadId);

					for (var i in filter[boardId][threadId]) {
						if (filter[boardId][threadId][i].post == postId) return;
						post: postId,
						hideReplies: hideReplies
				uid: function (boardId, threadId, uniqueId, hideReplies) {
					var list = getList();
					var filter = list.postFilter;

					initList(list, boardId, threadId);

					for (var i in filter[boardId][threadId]) {
						if (filter[boardId][threadId][i].uid == uniqueId) return;
						uid: uniqueId,
						hideReplies: hideReplies
			remove: {
				post: function (boardId, threadId, postId) {
					var list = getList();
					var filter = list.postFilter;

					// thread already pruned
					if (typeof filter[boardId] == 'undefined' || typeof filter[boardId][threadId] == 'undefined')

					for (var i=0; i<filter[boardId][threadId].length; i++) {
						if (filter[boardId][threadId][i].post == postId) {
							filter[boardId][threadId].splice(i, 1);

					if ($.isEmptyObject(filter[boardId][threadId])) {
						delete filter[boardId][threadId];
						delete list.nextPurge[boardId][threadId];

						if ($.isEmptyObject(filter[boardId])) {
							delete filter[boardId];
							delete list.nextPurge[boardId];
				uid: function (boardId, threadId, uniqueId) {
					var list = getList();
					var filter = list.postFilter;

					// thread already pruned
					if (typeof filter[boardId] == 'undefined' || typeof filter[boardId][threadId] == 'undefined')

					for (var i=0; i<filter[boardId][threadId].length; i++) {
						if (filter[boardId][threadId][i].uid == uniqueId) {
							filter[boardId][threadId].splice(i, 1);

					if ($.isEmptyObject(filter[boardId][threadId])) {
						delete filter[boardId][threadId];
						delete list.nextPurge[boardId][threadId];

						if ($.isEmptyObject(filter[boardId])) {
							delete filter[boardId];
							delete list.nextPurge[boardId];

		 *  hide/show the specified thread/post
		function hide(ele) {
			var $ele = $(ele);

			if ($(ele).data('hidden'))

			$(ele).data('hidden', true);
			if ($ele.hasClass('op')) {
				$ele.parent().find('.body, .files, .video-container').not($ele.children('.reply').children()).hide();

				// hide thread replies on index view
				if (active_page == 'index' || active_page == 'ukko') $ele.parent().find('.omitted, .reply:not(.hidden), post_no, .mentioned, br').hide();
			} else {
				// normal posts
				$ele.children('.body, .files, .video-container').hide();
		function show(ele) {
			var $ele = $(ele);

			$(ele).data('hidden', false);
			if ($ele.hasClass('op')) {
				$ele.parent().find('.body, .files, .video-container').show();
				if (active_page == 'index') $ele.parent().find('.omitted, .reply:not(.hidden), post_no, .mentioned, br').show();
			} else {
				// normal posts
				$ele.children('.body, .files, .video-container').show();

		 *  create filter menu when the button is clicked
		function initPostMenu(pageData) {
			var Menu = window.Menu;
			var submenu;
			Menu.add_item('filter-menu-hide', _('Hide post'));
			Menu.add_item('filter-menu-unhide', _('Unhide post'));

			submenu = Menu.add_submenu('filter-menu-add', _('Add filter'));
				submenu.add_item('filter-add-post-plus', _('Post +'), _('Hide post and all replies'));
				submenu.add_item('filter-add-id', _('ID'));
				submenu.add_item('filter-add-id-plus', _('ID +'), _('Hide ID and all replies'));
				submenu.add_item('filter-add-name', _('Name'));
				submenu.add_item('filter-add-trip', _('Tripcode'));

			submenu = Menu.add_submenu('filter-menu-remove', _('Remove filter'));
				submenu.add_item('filter-remove-id', _('ID'));
				submenu.add_item('filter-remove-name', _('Name'));
				submenu.add_item('filter-remove-trip', _('Tripcode'));

			Menu.onclick(function (e, $buffer) {
				var ele =;
				var $ele = $(ele);

				var threadId = $ele.parent().attr('id').replace('thread_', '');
				var boardId = $ele.parent().data('board');
				var postId = $ele.find('.post_no').not('[id]').text();
				if (pageData.hasUID) {
					var postUid = $ele.find('.poster_id').text();

				var postName;
				var postTrip = '';
				if (!pageData.forcedAnon) {
					postName = (typeof $ele.find('.name').contents()[0] == 'undefined') ? '' : nameSpanToString($ele.find('.name')[0]);
					postTrip = $ele.find('.trip').text();

				/*  display logic and bind click handlers

				 // unhide button
				if ($'hidden')) {
					$buffer.find('#filter-menu-unhide').click(function () {
						//  if hidden due to post id, remove it from blacklist
						//  otherwise just show this post, threadId, postId);
				} else {
					$buffer.find('#filter-menu-hide').click(function () {, threadId, postId, false);

				//  post id
				if (!$'hiddenByPost')) {
					$buffer.find('#filter-add-post-plus').click(function () {, threadId, postId, true);
				} else {

				// UID
				if (pageData.hasUID && !$'hiddenByUid')) {
					$buffer.find('#filter-add-id').click(function () {
						blacklist.add.uid(boardId, threadId, postUid, false);
					$buffer.find('#filter-add-id-plus').click(function () {
						blacklist.add.uid(boardId, threadId, postUid, true);

				} else if (pageData.hasUID) {
					$buffer.find('#filter-remove-id').click(function () {
						blacklist.remove.uid(boardId, threadId, postUid);

				} else {
					// board doesn't use UID

				//  name
				if (!pageData.forcedAnon && !$'hiddenByName')) {
					$buffer.find('#filter-add-name').click(function () {
						addFilter('name', postName, false);

				} else if (!pageData.forcedAnon) {
					$buffer.find('#filter-remove-name').click(function () {
						removeFilter('name', postName, false);

				} else {
					// board has forced anon

				//  tripcode
				if (!pageData.forcedAnon && !$'hiddenByTrip') && postTrip !== '') {
					$buffer.find('#filter-add-trip').click(function () {
						addFilter('trip', postTrip, false);

				} else if (!pageData.forcedAnon && postTrip !== '') {
					$buffer.find('#filter-remove-trip').click(function () {
						removeFilter('trip', postTrip, false);

				} else {
					// board has forced anon

				/*  hide sub menus if all items are hidden
				if (!$buffer.find('#filter-menu-remove > ul').children().not('.hidden').length) {
				if (!$buffer.find('#filter-menu-add > ul').children().not('.hidden').length) {

		 *  hide/unhide thread on index view
		function quickToggle(ele, threadId, pageData) {
			/*if ($(ele).find('.hide-thread-link').length)

			if ($(ele).hasClass('op') && !$(ele).find('.hide-thread-link').length) {
				$('<a class="hide-thread-link" style="float:left;margin-right:5px" href="javascript:void(0)">[' + ($(ele).data('hidden') ? '+' : '–') + ']</a>')
					.insertBefore($(ele).find(':not(h2,h2 *):first'))
					.click(function() {
						var postId = $(ele).find('.post_no').not('[id]').text();
						var hidden = $(ele).data('hidden');
						var boardId = $(ele).parents('.thread').data('board');
						if (hidden) {, threadId, postId, false);
						} else {, threadId, postId, false);

		 *  determine whether the reply post should be hidden
		 *   - applies to all posts on page load or filtering rule change
		 *   - apply to new posts on thread updates
		 *   - must explicitly set the state of each attributes because filter will reapply to all posts after filtering rule change
		function filter(post, threadId, pageData) {
			var $post = $(post);

			var list = getList();
			var postId = $post.find('.post_no').not('[id]').text();
			var name, trip, uid, subject, comment;
			var i, length, array, rule, pattern;  // temp variables

			var boardId	      = $'board');
			if (!boardId) boardId = $post.parents('.thread').data('board');

			var localList   = pageData.localList;
			var noReplyList = pageData.noReplyList;
			var hasUID      = pageData.hasUID;
			var forcedAnon  = pageData.forcedAnon;

			var hasTrip = ($post.find('.trip').length > 0);
			var hasSub = ($post.find('.subject').length > 0);

			$'hidden', false);
			$'hiddenByUid', false);
			$'hiddenByPost', false);
			$'hiddenByName', false);
			$'hiddenByTrip', false);
			$'hiddenBySubject', false);
			$'hiddenByComment', false);

			// add post with matched UID to localList
			if (hasUID &&
				typeof list.postFilter[boardId] != 'undefined' &&
				typeof list.postFilter[boardId][threadId] != 'undefined') {
				uid = $post.find('.poster_id').text();
				array = list.postFilter[boardId][threadId];

				for (i=0; i<array.length; i++) {
					if (array[i].uid == uid) {
						$'hiddenByUid', true);
						if (array[i].hideReplies) noReplyList.push(postId);

			// match localList
			if (localList.length) {
				if ($.inArray(postId, localList) != -1) {
					if ($'hiddenByUid') !== true) $'hiddenByPost', true);

			// matches generalFilter
			if (!forcedAnon)
				name = (typeof $post.find('.name').contents()[0] == 'undefined') ? '' : nameSpanToString($post.find('.name')[0]);
			if (!forcedAnon && hasTrip)
				trip = $post.find('.trip').text();
			if (hasSub)
				subject = $post.find('.subject').text();

			array = $post.find('.body').contents().filter(function () {if ($(this).text() !== '') return true;}).toArray();
			array = $.map(array, function (ele) {
				return $(ele).text().trim();
			comment = array.join(' ');

			for (i = 0, length = list.generalFilter.length; i < length; i++) {
				rule = list.generalFilter[i];

				if (rule.regex) {
					pattern = new RegExp(rule.value);
					switch (rule.type) {
						case 'name':
							if (!forcedAnon && pattern.test(name)) {
								$'hiddenByName', true);
						case 'trip':
							if (!forcedAnon && hasTrip && pattern.test(trip)) {
								$'hiddenByTrip', true);
						case 'sub':
							if (hasSub && pattern.test(subject)) {
								$'hiddenBySubject', true);
						case 'com':
							if (pattern.test(comment)) {
								$'hiddenByComment', true);
				} else {
					switch (rule.type) {
						case 'name':
							if (!forcedAnon && rule.value == name) {
								$'hiddenByName', true);
						case 'trip':
							if (!forcedAnon && hasTrip && rule.value == trip) {
								$'hiddenByTrip', true);
						case 'sub':
							pattern = new RegExp('\\b'+ rule.value+ '\\b');
							if (hasSub && pattern.test(subject)) {
								$'hiddenBySubject', true);
						case 'com':
							pattern = new RegExp('\\b'+ rule.value+ '\\b');
							if (pattern.test(comment)) {
								$'hiddenByComment', true);

			// check for link to filtered posts
			$post.find('.body a').not('[rel="nofollow"]').each(function () {
				var replyId = $(this).text().match(/^>>(\d+)$/);

				if (!replyId)

				replyId = replyId[1];
				if ($.inArray(replyId, noReplyList) != -1) {

			// post didn't match any filters
			if (!$'hidden')) {

		/*  (re)runs the filter on the entire page
		 function filterPage(pageData) {
			var list = getList();

			if (active_page != 'catalog') {

				// empty the local and no-reply list
				pageData.localList = [];
				pageData.noReplyList = [];

				$('.thread').each(function () {
					var $thread = $(this);
					// disregard the hidden threads constructed by post-hover.js
					if ($thread.css('display') == 'none')

					var threadId = $thread.attr('id').replace('thread_', '');
					var boardId = $'board');
					var op = $thread.children('.op')[0];
					var i, array;  // temp variables

					// add posts to localList and noReplyList
					if (typeof list.postFilter[boardId] != 'undefined' && typeof list.postFilter[boardId][threadId] != 'undefined') {
						array = list.postFilter[boardId][threadId];
						for (i=0; i<array.length; i++) {
							if ( typeof array[i].post == 'undefined')

							if (array[i].hideReplies) pageData.noReplyList.push(array[i].post);
					// run filter on OP
					filter(op, threadId, pageData);
					quickToggle(op, threadId, pageData);

					// iterate filter over each post
					if (!$(op).data('hidden') || active_page == 'thread') {
						$thread.find('.reply').not('.hidden').each(function () {
							filter(this, threadId, pageData);

			} else {
				var postFilter = list.postFilter[pageData.boardId];
				var $collection = $('.mix');

				if ($.isEmptyObject(postFilter))

				// for each thread that has filtering rules
				// check if filter contains thread OP and remove the thread from catalog
				$.each(postFilter, function (key, thread) {
					var threadId = key;
					$.each(thread, function () {
						if ( == threadId) {
							$collection.filter('[data-id='+ threadId +']').remove();

		function initStyle() {
			var $ele, cssStyle, cssString;

			$ele = $('<div>').addClass('post reply').hide().appendTo('body');
			cssStyle = $ele.css(['background-color', 'border-color']);
			cssStyle.hoverBg = $('body').css('background-color');

			cssString = '\n/*** Generated by post-filter ***/\n' +
				'#filter-control input[type=text] {width: 130px;}' +
				'#filter-control input[type=checkbox] {vertical-align: middle;}' +
				'#filter-control #clear {float: right;}\n' +
				'#filter-container {margin-top: 20px; border: 1px solid; height: 270px; overflow: auto;}\n' +
				'#filter-list {width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse;}\n' +
				'#filter-list th {text-align: center; height: 20px; font-size: 14px; border-bottom: 1px solid;}\n' +
				'#filter-list th:nth-child(1) {text-align: center; width: 70px;}\n' +
				'#filter-list th:nth-child(2) {text-align: left;}\n' +
				'#filter-list th:nth-child(3) {text-align: center; width: 58px;}\n' +
				'#filter-list tr:not(#header) {height: 22px;}\n' +
				'#filter-list tr:nth-child(even) {background-color:rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);}\n' +
				'#filter-list td:nth-child(1) {text-align: center; width: 70px;}\n' +
				'#filter-list td:nth-child(3) {text-align: center; width: 58px;}\n' +
				'#confirm {text-align: right; margin-bottom: -18px; padding-top: 2px; font-size: 14px; color: #FF0000;}';

			if (!$('style.generated-css').length) $('<style class="generated-css">').appendTo('head');
			$('style.generated-css').html($('style.generated-css').html() + cssString);

		function drawFilterList() {
			var list = getList().generalFilter;
			var $ele = $('#filter-list');
			var $row, i, length, obj, val;

			var typeName = {
				name: 'name',
				trip: 'tripcode',
				sub: 'subject',
				com: 'comment'


			$ele.append('<tr id="header"><th>Type</th><th>Content</th><th>Remove</th></tr>');
			for (i = 0, length = list.length; i < length; i++) {
				obj = list[i];

				// display formatting
				val = (obj.regex) ? '/'+ obj.value +'/' : obj.value;

				$row = $('<tr>');
					'<td>'+ typeName[obj.type] +'</td>',
					'<td>'+ val +'</td>',
							.attr('href', '#')
							.data('type', obj.type)
							.data('val', obj.value)
							.data('useRegex', obj.regex)

		function initOptionsPanel() {
			if (window.Options && !Options.get_tab('filter')) {
				Options.add_tab('filter', 'list', _('Filters'));
					'<div id="filter-control">' +
						'<select>' +
							'<option value="name">'+_('Name')+'</option>' +
							'<option value="trip">'+_('Tripcode')+'</option>' +
							'<option value="sub">'+_('Subject')+'</option>' +
							'<option value="com">'+_('Comment')+'</option>' +
						'</select>' +
						'<input type="text">' +
						'<input type="checkbox">' +
						'regex ' +
						'<button id="set-filter">'+_('Add')+'</button>' +
						'<button id="clear">'+_('Clear all filters')+'</button>' +
						'<div id="confirm" class="hidden">' +
							_('This will clear all filtering rules including hidden posts.')+' <a id="confirm-y" href="#">'+_('yes')+'</a> | <a id="confirm-n" href="#">'+_('no')+'</a>' +
						'</div>' +
					'</div>' +
					'<div id="filter-container"><table id="filter-list"></table></div>'

				// control buttons
				$('#filter-control').on('click', '#set-filter', function () {
					var type = $('#filter-control select option:selected').val();
					var value = $('#filter-control input[type=text]').val();
					var useRegex = $('#filter-control input[type=checkbox]').prop('checked');

					//clear the input form
					$('#filter-control input[type=text]').val('');

					addFilter(type, value, useRegex);
				$('#filter-control').on('click', '#clear', function () {
					$('#filter-control #clear').addClass('hidden');
					$('#filter-control #confirm').removeClass('hidden');
				$('#filter-control').on('click', '#confirm-y', function (e) {

					$('#filter-control #clear').removeClass('hidden');
					$('#filter-control #confirm').addClass('hidden');
						generalFilter: [],
						postFilter: {},
						nextPurge: {},
						lastPurge: timestamp()
				$('#filter-control').on('click', '#confirm-n', function (e) {

					$('#filter-control #clear').removeClass('hidden');
					$('#filter-control #confirm').addClass('hidden');

				// remove button
				$('#filter-list').on('click', '.del-btn', function (e) {

					var $ele = $(;
					var type = $'type');
					var val = $'val');
					var useRegex = $'useRegex');

					removeFilter(type, val, useRegex);

		 *  clear out pruned threads
		function purge() {
			var list = getList();
			var board, thread, boardId, threadId;
			var deferred;
			var requestArray = [];

			var successHandler = function (boardId, threadId) {
				return function () {
					// thread still alive, keep it in the list and increase the time between checks.
					var list = getList();
					var thread = list.nextPurge[boardId][threadId];

					thread.timestamp = timestamp();
					thread.interval = Math.floor(thread.interval * 1.5);
			var errorHandler = function (boardId, threadId) {
				return function (xhr) {
					if (xhr.status == 404) {
						var list = getList();

						delete list.nextPurge[boardId][threadId];
						delete list.postFilter[boardId][threadId];
						if ($.isEmptyObject(list.nextPurge[boardId])) delete list.nextPurge[boardId];
						if ($.isEmptyObject(list.postFilter[boardId])) delete list.postFilter[boardId];

			if ((timestamp() - list.lastPurge) < 86400)  // less than 1 day
			for (boardId in list.nextPurge) {
				board = list.nextPurge[boardId];
				for (threadId in board) {
					thread = board[threadId];
					if (timestamp() > (thread.timestamp + thread.interval)) {
						// check if thread is pruned
						deferred = $.ajax({
							cache: false,
							url: '/'+ boardId +'/res/'+ threadId +'.json',
							success: successHandler(boardId, threadId),
							error: errorHandler(boardId, threadId)

			// when all requests complete
			$.when.apply($, requestArray).always(function () {
				var list = getList();
				list.lastPurge = timestamp();

		function init() {
			if (typeof localStorage.postFilter === 'undefined') {
				localStorage.postFilter = JSON.stringify({
					generalFilter: [],
					postFilter: {},
					nextPurge: {},
					lastPurge: timestamp()

			var pageData = {
				boardId: board_name,  // get the id from the global variable
				localList: [],  // all the blacklisted post IDs or UIDs that apply to the current page
				noReplyList: [],  // any posts that replies to the contents of this list shall be hidden
				hasUID: (document.getElementsByClassName('poster_id').length > 0),
				forcedAnon: ($('th:contains(Name)').length === 0)  // tests by looking for the Name label on the reply form


			// on new posts
			$(document).on('new_post', function (e, post) {
				var threadId;

				if ($(post).hasClass('reply')) {
					threadId = $(post).parents('.thread').attr('id').replace('thread_', '');
				} else {
					threadId = $(post).attr('id').replace('thread_', '');
					post = $(post).children('.op')[0];

				filter(post, threadId, pageData);
				quickToggle(post, threadId, pageData);

			$(document).on('filter_page', function () {

			// shift+click on catalog to hide thread
			if (active_page == 'catalog') {
				$(document).on('click', '.mix', function(e) {
					if (e.shiftKey) {
						var threadId = $(this).data('id').toString();
						var postId = threadId;, threadId, postId, false);

			// clear out the old threads
	if (typeof window.Menu !== "undefined") {

Mass reply

This is now included in Sharty Fixes

Reply to everyone in a thread.

Expand to view the script

(function () {
  function insert_after(new_node, ref_node) {
    ref_node.parentNode.insertBefore(new_node, ref_node.nextSibling);
  function mass_reply() {
    let form_textarea = document.getElementById('body');
    let post_no_nodes = document.getElementsByClassName("post_no");
    for(const node of post_no_nodes) {
      let post_no_text = node.textContent;
      if(!post_no_text.includes("No")) {
        form_textarea.value += `>>${post_no_text}\n`;
  function add_button() {
    let ref_node = document.querySelectorAll(".op .intro .post_no")[1];
    let button = document.createElement("input");
    button.type = "button";
    button.value = "Mass Reply"; = "5px";
    button.addEventListener("click", function() {
    }, false);
    insert_after(button, ref_node);


Wojakificator is a JS script made by a bunkerchan user that automatically quotes any post you want an attaches a soyjak image

The script might work using User JS option, but it is recommended to use a userscript manager like Violentmonkey instead

Source code

Warning: includes some lefty and NAS images

Expand to view the script

Download link

Anti 4channeler posts

Hides posts made by 4channelers.

Warning: Updates the page every 4 seconds to check for new posts, can be adjusted.

Expand to view the script

let posts = document.querySelectorAll('.body');
let replies = document.querySelectorAll(".replies");
keys= [
   "new fag",
   "go back",
   "kill yourself",
   "reddit frog",
    "what does the reddit",
    "frog has to do with",
function containsNonLatinCodepoints(s) {
    return /[^\u0000-\u00ff]/.test(s);
function start_filtering()
posts = document.querySelectorAll('.body');
replies = document.querySelectorAll(".replies");
for(let i =0 ; i<posts.length;i++)
for(let j=0;j<keys.length;j++)
  if(posts[i].innerHTML.toLowerCase().includes(keys[j].toLowerCase()) || containsNonLatinCodepoints(posts[i].innerHTML.toLowerCase()) == true )
posts[i].innerHTML= "<span style='color:green;font-weight:bold;font-size:14px;'>[HIDDEN 4channeler post]</span>";

for(let i =0 ; i<replies.length;i++)
for(let j=0;j<keys.length;j++)
replies[i].innerHTML= "<span style='color:green;font-weight:bold;font-size:14px;'>[HIDDEN 4channeler post]</span>";



//Gifs hider

Preview for Youtube Videos

Show preview for youtube video links.

Expand to view the script

(function youtubeInlinePreviews() {

const re = /(?:youtube\.com\/watch\?v=|youtu\.be\/)(.{11})/;

const previewTemplate = (videoId) => `<img




Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".body a"))

.filter((link) => link.href.match(re))

.forEach((link) => {

const videoId = link.href.match(re)[1];

const inlinePreview = previewTemplate(videoId);

link.innerHTML = inlinePreview;



Auto Soydueler

Soyduels for you automatically.

Expand to view the script

(function () {
  function insert_after(new_node, ref_node) {
    ref_node.parentNode.insertBefore(new_node, ref_node.nextSibling);
  function mass_reply() {
    let form_textarea = document.getElementById('body');
    let post_no_nodes = document.getElementsByClassName("post_no");
    for(const node of post_no_nodes) {
      let post_no_text = node.textContent;
      if(!post_no_text.includes("No")) {
        form_textarea.value += `>>${post_no_text}\n`;
  function add_button() {
    let ref_node = document.querySelectorAll(".op .intro .post_no")[1];
    let button = document.createElement("input");
    button.type = "button";
    button.value = "Mass Reply"; = "5px";
    button.addEventListener("click", function() {
    }, false);
    insert_after(button, ref_node);

Filter tripchuds

To use it, change "!!TRIP GOES HERE" to any trip you want to filter (ex: !incelchud1 or !!incelchud1), can also be used to filter names if you change

(/class="trip">!!TRIP GOES HERE</)


(/class="name">name of the chudcel you want to filter</)

if you want to filter multiple tripchuds, you have to do this


Expand to view the script

  .filter(function (index) {
    return this.innerHTML.match(/class="trip">!!TRIP GOES HERE</);
  .each(function (index) {
    let whatToHide = "#" +;
    if ("op_")) {
      whatToHide = "#" +"op_", "thread_");

if (!localStorage.favorites) {
	localStorage.favorites = '[]';

Hide tripchud posts from catalog

Hides all tripchud posts from catalog, no exceptions.

Expand to view the script

// --- start: purgeTripsFromCatalog ---

(function purgeTripsFromCatalog() {
  // If on a catalog page
  if (document.location.href.match(/catalog\.html$/)) {
    // Call the API for that page
    fetch(document.location.href.replace(".html", ".json"))
      .then((res) => res.json())
      .then((json) =>
          // Find the threads where OP is using a tripcode
          .reduce((acc, cur) => [...acc, ...cur.threads], [])
          .filter((op) => op.trip)
          // Hide them
          .forEach((filtered) => $(`div[data-id='${}']`).hide())

// --- end: purgeTripsFromCatalog ---

Disable gif autoplay

Expand to view the script

// ==UserScript==
// @name     disable gif autoplay
// @version  1
// @grant    none
// @match*
// ==/UserScript==

window.addEventListener('load', function () {

function is_gif_image(i) {
    return /^(?!data:).*\.gif/i.test(i.src);

function freeze_gif(i) {
    var c = document.createElement('canvas');
    var w = c.width = i.width;
    var h = c.height = i.height;
    c.getContext('2d').drawImage(i, 0, 0, w, h);
    try {
        i.src = c.toDataURL("image/gif");
    } catch(e) {
        for (var j = 0, a; a = i.attributes[j]; j++)
            c.setAttribute(, a.value);
        i.parentNode.replaceChild(c, i);

Strip Links

NOTE: KolymaNET's jump script automatically blocks harmful websites, such as IP grabbers. Use this script at your own risk.

Expand to view the script.

document.querySelectorAll('a[href^=""]').forEach( link => {
  link.href = link.href.replace('', '');


In addition to user JS, also offers an option to customize user CSS.

Many CSS styles can be found on , and .

Custom underwater theme

The underwater theme in use

Adds marine life to your browsing experience

firstly, add this to your User CSS

Expand to view the script

 * miku.css
 * For AwsumChan by Circlepuller
body {
background: #D2FFEE url('img/fade-miku.png') top repeat-x;

a:link, a:visited {
text-decoration: none;
color: #00637B;

a:link:hover, a:visited:hover {
color: #DD0000;

a.post_no {
color: #000033;

.intro {
color: #0093AB;

.intro {
color: #DD0000;

h2, div.title, h1 {
color: #800000;

form table tr th {
background: #95D2D3;

div.banner {
background-color: #E04000;
} hr {
border-color: #B7C9D5;

.intro span.subject {
color: #117743;
font-weight: 800;

.intro {
color: #117743;
font-weight: 800;
} {
background: #a9d8ff;
} {
background: #B6DDDE;
border-color: #8FCCCD;

div.ban {
border: 1px solid #0093AB;

div.ban h2 {
background: #B6DDDE;
color: #0093AB;

div.pages {
color: #8899AA;
background: #B6DDDE;
border-right: 1px solid #8FCCCD;
border-bottom: 1px solid #8FCCCD;

hr {
border-color: #B7D9C5;

div.boardlist {
color: #0093AB;
    background-color: rgba(65%, 85%, 95%, 0.2);

.desktop-style div.boardlist:nth-child(1) {
  text-shadow: #D2FFEE 1px 1px 1px, #D2FFEE -1px -1px 1px;
* {
   background-image: url('');

.soifish {
   background-image: url('');
   position: fixed;
    pointer-events: none;
  -webkit-animation: moveX 30s linear 0s infinite alternate, moveY 30s linear 0s infinite alternate;
  -moz-animation: moveX 30s linear 0s infinite alternate, moveY 30s linear 0s infinite alternate;
  -o-animation: moveX 30s linear 0s infinite alternate, moveY 30s linear 0s infinite alternate;
  animation: moveX 30s linear 0s infinite alternate, moveY 30s linear 0s infinite alternate;

@-webkit-keyframes moveX {
  from { left: 0; } to { left: 100%; }
@-moz-keyframes moveX {
  from { left: 0; } to { left: 100%; }
@-o-keyframes moveX {
  from { left: 0; } to { left: 100%; }
@keyframes moveX {
  from { left: 0; } to { left: 100%; }

@-webkit-keyframes moveY {
  from { top: 0; } to { top: 100%; }
@-moz-keyframes moveY {
  from { top: 0; } to { top: 100%; }
@-o-keyframes moveY {
  from { top: 0; } to { top: 100%; }
@keyframes moveY {
  from { top: 0; } to { top: 100%; }

.post.reply .body a:hover:after {
    content: url(;
    display: block;
    position: absolute;
    left: 20px;
    top: -255px;
    pointer-events: none;
    z-index: 999;

.post.reply .body a:hover {
    position: relative;

body:after {
    content: url(;
    display: block;
    position: fixed;
    bottom: 0px;
    right: 0px;
    pointer-events: none;

.desktop-style div.boardlist:nth-child(1):hover, .desktop-style div.boardlist:nth-child(1).cb-menu {
  background-color: rgba(70%, 95%, 100%, 0.45);

Then add this to your User JS


Custom Soot theme

Soot color scheme (grey and yellow) theme, this css should be used with dark style.

Expand to view the script

/*soot theme*/

.name {
    color: #FDD73A !important;

body {
    background: black url( right bottom no-repeat fixed;
} {
    background-color: #646464 !important;
    color: black;

div#post-moderation-fields , div#style-select {

span.heading {
    color: #FF565C !important;

.remove-btn {
    color: rgba(255,255,255,128) !important;

hr {

Anti - mass reply

.post.reply > .body {
    max-height: 20em;
    overflow-y: auto;

Cobson in the corner

This code was briefly added to and is being left here for posterity.

Expand to view the script

body { background-image: url(; background-position: bottom right; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed;   background-size: 100px; }