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Doxxing is a widely enjoyed passtime of many 'teens. While the reasons for each target's doxx varies, they are usually done as punishment for crimes against the 'Sharty and soy culture (ie posting coal on Twitter).

Is Doxxing allowed on the 'Sharty?

Yes it is.

Notable Doxxes

Sennvenn - starting as another Jackbox raid, he was doxxed by and had his personal social media chudded up along with his family's. This lead to a gemmy video where his parents argue with him, and ultimately kick him out of their house.

Giggly Goonclown - likely the biggest doxx in 'Sharty history. A video of him masterbating with dubbed in fart noises and circus music first circulated as a shock video before a bombshell thread titled "GOONCLOWN LOST" dumped a whole archive of his discord account, containing not only his discord server but his private dms too. Immensely disturbing material was found within, leading onto the Goongate controversy.

The pizza is ordered (WIN)

SmashingUrFort - first discovered when he posted a brimstone trannylita on the TakesApalling twitter account which he co-owns[1]. After around 32 hours of combined effort it was discovered that he is an Italian champagne socialist that lives in a huge apartment within a gated community; proving yet again all communists are upper class larpers.[2] A pizza was sent on the behalf of an Italian chud.