Soyvil War 1

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The Soyvil War was a conflict between several groups of posters on the /soy/ board of that took place on April 29 2021.


The Soyvil War began when a user on reacted negatively to a thread whose attached image was a warped Wholesome Soyjak, telling the OP to cease posting that 'jak.[1] This initial reply received much attention due to its impressive digits, 77777. A faction immediately appeared, enthusiastically joining in the criticism of Wholesome Soyjaks.

Soon, an opposing faction emerged. This opposition posted Deformed Soyjak, a controversial variant of Wholesome Soyjak that is notorious for being maligned by certain users. The consequential outrage at Deformed Soyjak shattered the brittle peace, causing all-out war to break out. At some point, Impish Soyak Ears was also implicated in the conflict, seeming to be placed on the side of Wholesome and Deformed Soyjak posters, likely due to its evolutionary relation to Wholesome Soyjak.

During the war's fevered crescendo, many threads were created, the majority of which featuring Deformed Soyjak images. These threads invariably received extremely enraged replies from the anti-Wholesome/Deformed/Swedish posters. Most of these replies comprised of all-caps ranting and death threats, with at least one poster using explicit gore images taken from terrorist execution media.

While the anti-W/D/S posters maintained a strong defense, unfailingly replying to every Deformed/Wholesome/Swedish thread, their offense was comparatively weak. As they fervently replied to each new W/D/S thread, the catalog was becoming full of W/D/S images. As the W/D/S opposition had no emblem or symbol to post, they rapidly lost ground in new thread creation, some even resorting to posting Pepes and abandoning soyjaks altogether.

The war ended when neutral Coalposters, unaligned with either side of the conflict, began spamming /soy/ with coal threads. As the most active, warring threads were buried beneath the coal, posters lost interest and the war fizzled out.