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Jesus is Jewish.

Jesus Christ, the man himself. Praise him.

(((Jesus Christ))) (Born c. December 25th, 6-4BC) is king, the central figure of Christianity, and the most influential half-blood in world history. He loves (You) and died for your sins.

Early Life

Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Israel to (((Mary))), who conceived her son miraculously. His birth is celebrated on Christmas. He began to teach and accumulate a following before eventually being condemned to death as a result of Jewish subversion. He was crucified and rose again three days later, then he talked to his friends. Then, he ascended into Heaven.

His disciples would go on to continue spreading the gospel. This Great Comission is mainly referenced at the end of the gospel according to Matthew, and the result is documented in the book of Acts.

Other Interpretations

There are varying interpretations of the significance of Jesus in other worldviews. Muslims believe Jesus (PBUH) was a Prophet. Atheists do not believe Jesus existed[a], or if they do, they think he was either a good teacher, or a madman. Within Christianity, Jehovah's Witnesses believe that He is Saint Michael the Archangel[1] and Mormons have some schizo polytheist lore.

There are also many other worldviews on who Jesus was. Some Buddhists consider him an "ascended spiritual master" and Japan has a wild story about how he swapped places with his brother and went to Japan.[2][3] There was also a dude in China[4] who claimed to be the younger brother of Jesus, then 30 million people died in a brutal conflict.[5] There's even a small muslim sect who believes he survived crucifixion and traveled to Kashmir.[6]

To Christians, the problem with these interpretations is that they reduce Jesus' divinity from being God[b], or avoid his work on the cross. There are also several Christian heresies that do the same thing.

Jesus was a pretty cool guy i guess. Also he's coming back soon (2 more weeks).


  1. Even though scholars agree that he was a real person based on multiple non-religous accounts from around his time written both by Jewish and Roman historians.
  2. which is le bad ev&o calling God a man who shits and pisses is arguably worse
