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What the average soypuritan looks like while slaying a NAStroon

A soypuritan is a keyed gigachad that thinks that the soyjak board on the soyjak website should be primarily dedicated to soyjaks. Soypuritans are cultured connoisseurs that recognize soyjaks as the work of art that they are and realize that the board dedicated to posting them should crack down on most or all forms of NAS so that they can develop and thrive without constant interference from some types of people. Soypuritans are usually either keyed oldGODs that want to preserve soyjak culture on its own board in the soyjak website or keyed newGODs that want to look for gemmy soyjaks to expand their soy folder with and that don't want to waste time with NAS coal. Contrary to popular belief, soypuritans aren't entirely opposed to NAS on the soyjak website, they just think that it should be segregated from soyjaks just like how keyed NatSocs IRL think that all the races of the world should be segregated from each other so that each race can reach their full racial potential without the threat of mass immigration and miscegenation.

The opponents of these Hyperborean gigachads are usually trannies that want to demoralize the sharty by using frog images pulled straight from the frogcord or they just want to force their FotM brimstone discord meme in the hopes that it becomes le hecking sharty kultchur. Their whole argument boils down to how hecking authoritarian banning NAS on /soy/ would be and that it would be just like 4cuck's moderation. What they fail to realize is that while soyjaks are banned on all 4cuck boards except /trash/, even the supposed funposting ones like /bant/ and /s4s/, NAS can still be posted on all other sharty boards even if all forms of NAS got banned on /soy/. Once confronted with this trvthnvke, these trannies cope by saying something about how all the other boards are dead boards and that their brimstone forced meme won't be able to survive if it doesn't have at least 5 threads on /soy/, exposing the fact that their NAS coal is too brimmy to survive organically without constant forcing by the NAScord. Xhey'll also say that banning NAS would get rid of all the fun and chaos even doe you can still shitpost with soyjaks and besides, shitting up the main board on the sharty to own le hecking rulecucks and jannies or whatever is the equivalent of a nigger trashing a store or a pajeet shitting on the designated shitting street.

TL;DR: SoyGODs won, NAStroons lost.

ignore all below here btw

A soypuritan is a no fun allowed faggot who believes in no NAS on /soy/, who likely is too much of a (literal) autist to understand that both spadeson posts and frogposts are most often made unironically, that NAS is normal for the site, and that without NAS people will get far too bored of soyjaks.

The current admin, Froot, is a notorious soypuritan, overmoderating the site, and eliminating the chaos that makes it soulful. His two greatest acts thus far are the ones which caused the most chaos, the 50 board plan and Great Purge.

Soypuritans are most often genuine autists, or newteens, both of whom can’t pick up on more complex cues such as irony, and can see nothing more to the site than “HAHA FUNNY CARTOON FACE!”. I'm trans btw :3

>I'm trans btw :3[1]