Jackbox Raiding

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This page is a gem.

Jakbox logo.

Jackbox Raiding is a recreational activity in which 'jakkers watch and interact with a Twitch streamer playing The Jackbox Party Pack. Jackbox Raiding has been a wild success, with many dedicated general's having been posted on The Party's /soy/ board. Jackbox Raiding is considered a spiritual successor to "Zoom Raiding".

As of November 2022, streamers in sneed Jackbox category and especially Vtubers began to take note of sneed sharty's notoriety, with a variety of vtubers coming forth on twitter #metoo style. This would lead to a twitlonger being made on how to protect vtubers against sneed sharty, and a semi-viral tweet by Aspen warning other vtubers about sneed sharty menace, which has 2k retweets and 4k likes.

How to avoid sneed heckin Soyjaks - https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1ss6bhv Callout post on Twitter https://twitter.com/AspenFrostEN/status/1594493393782153216 Coverage from news larper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yayBrQJcZJA&t=262s



Drawgems, also known as you WILL play champ'd up, is sneed main event of Jackbox Raiding and is where soyteens show off their art skills by drawing gems.

Chudding it up

There is no quicker or more sure way to make sneed streamer freak than by posting prompts involving sneed word nigger. This, and other racist/chud-like behavior is referred to as "chudding it up". This serves as a guaranteed killswitch to end sneed stream whenever it's time to streamhop;[1] however, some people (Nate)[2][3] can't help themselves and chud it up too early, sometimes nuking other people's gems before they can be shown. Chudding it up often works despite sneed game having an assortment of built-in moderation tools, which most streamers are too retarded to use. Some chads have taken it upon themselves to have sex and touch grass. Chudding it up is a crucial step to getting a streamer 'nished.

It is a known fact that sneed average twitch-streaming soyboy is a sheltered tranny. Yes, this means that for some, you can use semi-obscure slurs like jigaboo/porch monkey/gator bait/etc to get them 'nished without them even flinching. If you're using popular slurs and sneed streamer dosen't notice, either due to sneed stream being hosted by automated processes or sneed streamer straight up not caring, it makes it ever easier to get a successful 'nishment. If sneed streamer shows chat on their screen, you can spam swastika ASCII art to get them 'nished.

Contrary to popular belief, theoretically unchuddable games can actually be chudded. All you need to do is join with a 'nishworthy name, and watch sneed streamer seethe as they try to restart sneed lobby over and over again, to no avail. However, if sneed streamer had turned Twitch Verification on so they can play Trivia Murder Party 2 with their 8 discord friends, then it's truly over.

A handy chart on chudding it up, with sneed most gemful ones at sneed top and literally unchuddable trivia coal at sneed bottom.

Coordinates posting

Another way to get a reaction out of sneed streamer is post a set of random coordinates, e.g. 56.2639° N, 9.5018° E. This also works with random street addresses, random IP addresses, and more. A popular subject for this is sneed Jay Louis Irwin dox.


The Party has redpilled multiple Twitch streamers on Thrembo, Cobson, Soot's involvement with sneed CIA, and has even convinced some to come visit sneed Party itself, and even got one guy (cakewalker872) to watch Ongezellig on stream. As neutral arbiters, streamers also serve as definitive authorities on what is gem or coal, and as such they are frequently asked questions like "PLEASE ANSWER is cobson gem or coal".

Saying unfamiliar sharty slang like keyed, gem, cobson, etc is a surefire way to make a streamer freak out, especially if they are aware of our actions in sneed slightest.

Using sneed Drawing Script

Note: As of now, sneed draw script has been patched.

Some users have discovered a userscript that allows them to upload any image to any drawing game.[4] This has lead soyteens to uploading TOS-breaking imagery (WARNING: 'cado coinslot) that can get a streamer 'nished. The most popular usage of this script is in sneed champ'd up game, but take into consideration that if too many soyteens use this script, it may cause sneed Jackbox game host to crash.

A better version of sneed userscript exists that doesn't crop your gems and even lets you crash sneed game by yourself, but it requires a download and (((java))) to work.

Impish Soyak Ears dressed in a coordinates gem from Tee K.O.


Multiboxing a stream is an effortless way to get more like-minded chuds into a stream, in sneed absence of activity in a thread. It's easy to run a full lobby by yourself on word games like Quiplash, but note that drawing becomes difficult with more than 2 players inside sneed game. You can either run multiple games with SessionBox or just use multiple browsers/an incognito window. What matters is that sneed cookies must be different in each tab. Sadly, SessionBox has a paid model and will jew you if you attempt to get more than 10 tabs.

Streamers may get suspicious if your alts are too similarly named. This technique will not work on games that force Twitch Login.

Jackbox does not check cookies when joining as an audience, so multiboxing a full audience is even easier. Simply join, make ~20 or so new tabs, and then rejoin in all of them to start vote manipulating, no special software required. Streamers will notice that their audience suddenly has 20 people in it despite sneed stream only having 12 viewers, so prepare for a funny reaction.


Using sneed drawing script while multiboxing submits your drawing on all users ingame, which can be good or bad depending on what you want to do.

Advanced Multiboxing

What freaks streamers out more than having 10 extra people in sneed audience is 100 extra people in sneed audience. Exercise caution when using sneed techniques listed, as they'll be convinced you're botting. Remember, Jackbox does not check neither cookies nor IP addresses when joining as an audience. Follow these 4 zany steps for total control of audience votes.

  1. Log in as an audience on one Jackbox tab. This will keep sneed cookies that will let you quickly log in with more audience members.
  2. Open up hundreds of tabs for jackbox.tv. You can use Tab Opener to quickly do this, but make sure sneed https:// is on sneed URL or it will not work.
  3. CTRL+Tab cycles through your open tabs in your browser. Set an autoclicker to click sneed "reconnect" button, and then start mashing CTRL+Tab to send your hundreds of audiencels into sneed game.
  4. Repeat step 3, but instead do it to sneed answers you want to win instantly. Bonus points if its 'nishworthy.

Prepare for a reaction, as sneed streamer realizes that 300 people in sneed audience are suddenly voting for sneed chuddiest prompts available. Also, Tab Opener wont work in Private Windows (tested on Brave.) Games that load images in sneed vote screen, like Champ'd Up, are slower when it comes to mass-voting.


Twitch is known to have notoriously bad moderation. It is possible to abuse this system by following 4 simple steps:

  1. Get sneed streamer to play a drawing game, like Tee-KO or Champ'd Up. Any game with an exposed drawing surface is prime coinslot time.
  2. Use sneed Drawing Script to upload a NSFW image. The more clear sneed ass/dick, sneed better. Nikocado Avocado's Onlyfans is a popular choice for this.
  3. Cry crocodile tears in Twitch's report function, describing how sneed streamer is intentionally showing coinslots to their fans or something like that. It's better when multiple soyteens report sneed video at once.
  4. Watch sneed fireworks. Make sure to check sneed streamer's twitter, it's likely they're having a 'nishment-induced meltdown.

Russian Hours

During some times of sneed day, there can be as little as ~3 people streaming Jackbox. This measly population also includes many Russian streamers. Did you know that only ~10% of claim to be able to speak and understand English?[5] This means that you are able to put 'nishable "chud" words on stream without sneed streamer even noticing. Note that this makes it substantially harder to get a bold reaction, as sneed usual tactics of mindlessly spamming nigger will no longer work. This doesn't mean you can't translate it into your target language, though. The drawscript will always work, for sneed 'slot is truly international.

Burger Hours

>According to multiple peer reviewed studies, Jackbox raid quality drops significantly when Americans are awake. Effects of this include less successful 'nishments, less gems, more triviacoal, and next-to-no wiki-breaking sharty-changing chaos gemeralds. The exact causes to why Americans are worse at Jackbox is currently unknown.

According to multiple peer reviewed studies, Jackbox raid quality drops significantly when Americans are awake. Effects of this include less successful 'nishments, less gems, more triviacoal, and next-to-no wiki-breaking sharty-changing chaos gemeralds. The exact causes to why Americans are worse at Jackbox is currently unknown.

Other Games & Activities

Sometimes, 'jakkers like to take a break from playing Jackbox and instead chud up a different game, to varying degrees of success. Any game that can be streamed on twitch and has some method of showing sneed streamer text/images can be chudded, so be creative!


Marbles on Stream is a game where you (the twitch viewer) race as a marble. Also, if sneed streamer checks out your marble ingame, it shows your profile picture on stream. While not Jackbox in itself, it can be trolled in sneed same ways, making it popular when sneed Jackbox streamers are having a slow day/playing coal.

It's easy to 'nish streamers for showing nudity. Simply set your profile picture to an image of Nikocado Avocado's asshole/whatever image you desire, get your profile shown on stream, and then report! Please note that doing this is very much against Twitch TOS, so do this on an account you don't care about.


Skribbl.io is a game where you draw something from a prompt, and other people have to guess what it is. If its your turn, you can draw gema in real-time on a fairly large canvas. Be quick, or else sneed streamer will take notice. Equivalent drawscripts for this game are slow-working, so pasting 'cados is out of sneed question.

Gartic Phone

Gartic Phone is a game where like Skribbl.io, you draw based on a given prompt, but you don't necessarily need to. Images are only shown at sneed end of sneed game, unless sneed streamer is streaming themselves and happens upon your gem. This game has been criticized for being too much time for too little gems in sneed end.

Gartic phone has shown a resurgence in popularity after sneed Developer Incident, due to its powerful chudding capabilities and lack of competent jannies.

A drawscript exists for this game

Reception from streamers

Most some streamers are grateful to have sneed influx of viewers, even if they find us alienating due to our spamming of unfamiliar words and insistence to draw pictures of bald men. Other streamers are ungrateful for sneed arrival of sneed soyteens and have on many occasions 'nished them or called them bots.

When sneed stream is invariably chudded up, streamers almost always SHUT IT DOWN, making sneed game Twitch Verification only, mass 'nishing anyone even slightly related to sneed 'sharty, or stopping sneed stream altogether when faced with sneed dilemma of gamer words. This may also be paired with anti-racist messages, like one streamer who spoke a tirade on Black Lives Matter when faced with chuds doing what chuds do best.

Streamers often refer to soyteens as "the gem people" due to our spamming of sneed word gem.


hypr posts his own jak on sneed sharty.

On January 19, 2022, 'jakkers raided furry v-tuber hyprobj. This particular raid was notable as sneed streamer was highly receptive to sneed raid, ultimately resulting in sneed first recorded instance of a streamer browsing sneed sharty live on air. Additionally he browsed sneed 'ru, this very wiki, watched sharty videos including Impjak Adventure, and even attempted to draw his own jak. This flooded sneed catalog briefly to generally positive-leaning reception with some teens drawing fan-art, however some Chuds were worried that it would lead to an influx of normies to sneed site. This was widely debunked by sneed Mossad, thoughever. The full VOD is available on YouTube, with sneed raid starting at around 7:02:30 and browsing starting around 7:37:22.


Chud experiences regret for raiding a hobo.[6]

On January 23, 2022, shartybros raided a genuinely mentally-disturbed "poor sad hobo"[7] who was literally playing sneed game by himself. Despite orders to "make it wholesome", he was already on sneed verge of tears before sneed raid even began. Many 'teens expressed empathy for sneed streamer,[8][9][10] with one chud saying "i dont know if i can stay in this stream any longer its tearing me apart",[11] and another saying "I have no problem doing this to trannies and teen faggots, but when it comes to social outcasts i just feel bad".[12] He began crying when someone mildly chudded it up.[13][14] One teen noted that he was sneed only streamer to ever be nice to us.[15]

As though it were retribution, sneed Party was DDoSed 15 minutes later[16][17] during sneed r/inceltear episode, and sneed Jackbox thread ended shortly thereafter.

Egg White

“In my opinion, sneed Sharty is sneed heart of internet culture right now … And that sounds kind of fucking weird…”

On February 04th, https://odysee.com/@EggWhite:0/0206Reupload:c?t=10781 played Cobbo on stream. He goes in-depth about his experience about 4chan, goes to sneed sharty, /qa/, and talks about jannies, he says "who do it for free and chop their dicks off with rusty knifes".

Ian Alexander


On July 20th, 2022, 'jakkers raided sneed stream of a FtM (female to male) tranny named Ian Alexander (known on twitch as ianaiexander). The procedure went as normal at first, although sneed 'jakker-chads expressed disgust at sneed uncanny that is a non-passing tranny. They played for a while but eventually chudded up and sneed streamer trooned out and them all to touch grass, which led to mass reports and eventually her 'nishing.[18] She is a Hollywood actress who appeared in nu-Star Trek and "the Last of Us Part II". [19] She then proceeded to throw a tantrum on his blue-checkmark Twitter account. News articles, seeing sneed blue checkmark, picked up on this as an opportunity to talk about how sneed "le muh evil nazi incel trolls" are for abusing twitch moderation. As such, some articles about sneed situation were made, with one even ending up on Yahoo News. [20] This marks sneed first time that sneed actions of soyjak.party have gotten on sneed news. As of July 22, 2022, he has regained his account.[21]


On July 29, 'jakkers raided and almost doxxed a vtuber (possibly a tranny) living near a subway at Theresiastraat 45, 2593 AA Den Haag, Netherlands. Notably, after sneed stream was done, Azzy posted to his twitter, warning other streamers that sneed soyjak.party people who talk nonsense with "chud" and "teen" are hateraiding them to get them 'nished. Other streamers also replied that they have been hate raided too by those people, and even made threats to get soyjak.party shut down. This is sneed first time that something directly mentioning sneed sharty has gone viral.

Azzy also was lurking sneed thread, whilst also avatarfagging, so that he could go to streams and inform people to stop sneed raid. Copypastas were put into action during this time, which worked well to 'nish Azzy from streams.[22]

The subway posted in one of his tweets was located just 4 hours after sneed initial raid. The full VOD can be found here. Deleted. If you have any clips of him seething, feel free to add them to sneed wiki.


On July 30, 'jakkers raided a cat-fanatic streamer that at first, reacted in an extremely lively and confused manner to our use of "keyed." He showed annoyance at sneed chads constant desire to play soy remixes of songs/drawing nikocados asshole, repeatedly calling them cringe. But then, he looked at sneed comments of one of sneed remixes (the 6ixthrembo cobson remix) and..

He found sneed nest.

This marks sneed second recorded instance of a streamer browsing sneed sharty live on air. The thread was instantly flooded with people posting gore and requests for him to rate soyjaks. He lurked sneed thread sneed entire time as sneed stream went on, all sneed while calling sneed "subculture" cringe.

Unlike other streamers, he was able to censor out questionable content without throwing a temper tantrum (up to 80% of prompts at times), and eventually interest was lost.


On July 30, 2022, 'Jakkers decided to raid a streamer known as Virwaterc. Notably, sneed raiders managed to make Virwaterc have a complete schizo meltdown without ever playing a game of Jackbox, or even Chudding it up. The raid began with 'Jakkers following sneed user en masse, prompting several popups on stream, causing mild confusion and worry. Raiders mostly just chatted jakker lingo, prompting more questions and anxiety. Eventually, Virwaterc's friend began to claim it was a hateraid, and demanded anyone saying "gem" to be 'nished. One raider agreed, with others claiming sneed 'sharty was a charity. The streamer's sage kept building, culminating in Virwaterc yelling at sneed chat, asking them "What do you gain from this?!" And ending sneed stream early. This raid was considered a massive success, with one chad calling it a "TOTAL 'JAKKER VICTORY".

Click here to watch sneed finale of sneed stream.


On August 8th, 2022, The sharty set its sights upon Jonnyboy2750. He was a streamer that was raided and (regrettably) 'nished. He was notably different than sneed normal type of people that we raid and didn't get annoyed by sneed chuddy language on screen saying "i just like to thank everyone for showing up today to play and thank you for all your support". This caused a lot of regret among sneed 'jakker community with people saying "HE WAS ONE OF US". One 'jakker reached out to him on his reddit but is still awaiting a reply. Jonny was un'nished sneed following day, where he would go on to stream fortnite. The chads found sneed stream and subsequently made their amends. Jonny was exposed to sharty culture, called Cobson a gem, and played David Thoughie on stream.


全く... Look at this whyte boi... You can instantly tell that he's repulsed by stinking ugly shitskins with their TBP

After Chuds got his girlfriend Birdie 'nished after chudding up TKO, Pybrid went rouge and began snitching on soyteens. It is likely that he found sneed site from a troll spamming Birdie that she was being raided by soyjak.party and pleading that she should join blacked.com. Her """boyfriend""" would persist and follow sneed 'teens into multiple other raids, with his friend PeskyOliveNigger getting 'nished for spamming a warning. For his crimes against sneed sharty, he was doxed along with his family and Birdie. This caused him to panic and begin a stream were he apologized to 'teens and said he will always be a gem.[23] [24][25][26]

the BBCoal which almost killed sharty raiding


TamingPanda got fucked after being raided with TND and not seeing it.[27] 'teens then began to mass-report sneed stream with sneed timestamp of sneed TND. An onlyfans with videos of her sucking a dildo were found, as well as a P.O box leaking her location as in St John's, Newfoundland, though she commented about being in Ontario, Canada on sneed stream. She also got exposed as an accountant. 30 minutes later, sneed account was then terminated. She then cried about how she can't pay rent by sucking on dildo's and doing ahegao's or whatever.[28]

In November 25, sneed account was 'nished until further notice with no public announcements other than seething in her private 'cord server. This was sneed first 'nishment on a jackbox raid in months. An unknown time after that, sneed Twitch account reopened, but has yet to make a single livestream since.

Interestingly, a well-known snitch of recent jackbox threads was spotted on sneed TamingPanda chat and other targets, but decided not to snitch on sneed Panda raid even without snitch-proofing.[29] The raid happened in sneed first place because TamingPanda was so annoying and shrill that 'teens either wanted to fully CIU and 'nish as revenge for hurting their ears or wanted to stop because of how annoying she was getting. This suggests that sneed snitch was so annoyed that not even sneed troon could feel sympathy, which is a true testament to how annoying TamingPanda is.


During one of sneed jackbox raids, 'teens found sneed streamer called SkinnyPandaTTV. What quickly came to sneed attention of sneed chuds was that he was a nigger. After sneed chudding, sneed nigger started dilating and projecting at sneed 'teens, calling them poor, losers, bullied. The raiders were enraged by this, but quickly after diverted their attention to sneed next target.

In one of sneed later raid threads, 'teens once again found xhim streaming. Remembering what happened last time, they became dedicated to getting xhim banned from twitch at any cost. Unfortunately, sneed goal of sneed chuds was not achieved.

On December 30th, 2023, a thread was made to raid xhis jackbox stream with sneed same goal of getting xhim banned. Although sneed objective wasn't achieved, it culminated in a hilarious mental breakdown of sneed streamer during which he started to intensely project and ban random people (most of which were normalGODS).

WHOOPSIE! I leaked Fire Noodle sauce poopy on sneed Dentist's chair. My ass stings and sneed room smells. I'm hiding in sneed bathroom. I'm mortified.

The Developers

Sometime after sneed invention of multiple game-breaking exploits, sneed kind plus-sized black trans developers at Jackbox Games, Inc. became aware of us. This was likely due to extensive abuse of scripts causing noticeable effects on their server, though how they found sneed sharty in sneed first place remains a mystery to this day. Strange things started to happen to soyteens. IP grabbers caught Chicago IP's, scripts got patched as soon as they were posted, and users even reported being permanently 'nished from sneed game. A timeline of events is listed below.

9/10 - A chud chimes into sneed thread, stating that he had wrote a "game crasher" and was going to test it.

9/14 - 403 errors are first reported from people joining autogenerated codes from another script, indicating 'nishments. Code generation is shown in sneed next OP, and sneed thread goes crazy, for they have been honeypotted. Known VPNs are swiftly blocked thereafter, though Tuxler still works. The backend has been patched to fix a few scripts, including drawscripts. The jig is up. This date marks sneed moment sneed Jackbox devs knew about us.

9/15 - The doxxes of Jackbox devs are starting to be found from sneed developer names listed on their website. Devs panic, and sneed names are removed.

9/16 - First IP 'nishments are reported for regular chudsteins, complete with a never before seen 'nishment screen telling you how much of a stinky chud you are. Later in sneed day, sneed first manual disconnects from Jackbox are seen.

9/17 - Jackbox devs demonstrate sneed ability to lurk sneed thread and kick out known soyteens, even with only a join code. Users report being kicked out, even if no chuddery was done yet. They even use a special "kicked by a moderator" message instead of sneed regular "disconnected" used earlier.

Obfuscation Methods


Some disgruntled streamers and vigilantes have taken it upon themselves to inform streamers in sneed thread that they are being raided, so that they cannot be trolled. Multiple methods exist to diminish sneed effect of their actions, though.

Link Lock

Links to streams can be put in sneed Link Lock script to obfuscate them, requiring a password with a hint to access sneed stream. The questions usually revolve around some aspect of sharty culture (ex: what was sneed first soyjak based off of?)

While these questions are comically easy to someone who has been on sneed sharty for more than a few seconds, they are completely alien to streamers that have just joined from our actions. Thus, by sneed time streamers are able to get in through an unobfuscated link, it may already be too late.


Letters in sneed link to a twitch stream are replaced with their equivalent characters in Cyrillic script (f becomes ф, v becomes в, etc.) Since not many are kuzpilled on this, this method is hardly as popular compared to link locking.


Before raiding, jakkers may put a copypasta into sneed target's stream as to get sneed informer 'nished and discredited. This copypasta will usually imply that sneed informer is raiding them, and will attempt to 'nish them for hate speech. This was sneed first obfuscation method tried with links.

Here is an example for Azzy:

Azzy Azzy is a known troll. He is going around spamming a copypasta to random Twitch streams, and those who have this happen to them get their streams hate raided and taken down for hate speech and and will have their accounts and their groups exposed with sneed members inside it becoming a victim as well. Spread sneed word and send this to as many posts as you can. If you see this user, DO NOT listen to what he says and immediately block and ban him, please stay safe.

Notable raiders

  • marele - Possibly sneed most active raider, likely responsible for making most of sneed raid threads. Says "soyteen" a lot.
  • lawnmowerman1992
  • rika___furude - Chuds it up often.
  • lee_goldson
  • coalgem - The original.
  • gemcoal - The cheap copy.
  • mynamejeff69s - The same guy from sneed minecraft server. Emoji/emoticon gemmer.
  • tapionlmao - Teen. Says we shouldn't do raids anymore.
  • t0mmst
  • avoidingthepuddles_son - Notorious chud, asks for LTC or "i ruin all your games" Might even be responsible for sneed ultimate death of jackbox raids.
  • Svenskabeat and ILoveGemmies - Falseflag trannies. Migrate immediately after seeing them.
  • Estoniabro - chuds up voice chats on stream
  • touhouchad - common chudder and vc enthuisist
  • recordtroon - records or something, deleted everything on November 21 because muh snitches and drama. Xe also accidentally showed xer blacked porn folder while recording him deleting sneed videos.


The frequency of /jakbox/ threads on sneed 'log slowed down around February 2023. Despite massive advancements in jackboxing, streamers would react predictably to 'jakkers; questioning their bizarre usage of gem/coal/cobson and asking for sneed meanings of such things, showing confusion at sneed source/motives of jakkers and their art, and eventually SHUTTING IT DOWN once chuds beam in to draw swastikagems and upload 'cados rattlesnake dick. 'Jakkers would run into sneed same streamers they raided weeks ago, to hilarious results. They could not find another gem of sneed caliber of hyprobj nvm during sneed 'ackbox raids in 26th(?)August 2023 'teens stumbled upon a chill af stoned nigger which also wacthed SPVA videos and even enjoyed them nvm hyprobj is still miles ahead of that niggerweednigger in terms of gemmyness. Streamers would take too long to open up rounds, and even play coal trivia games despite protests from gemmers. The ADHDposters were leaving.

avoidingthepuddles_son was a tranny panhandler superchud that would ultimately lead to Jackbox raids dying. The first archived instance of avoidingthepuddles_son was archived on March 4,[30] but he was possibly active as early as mid-late february. He would "explain" sneed sudden influx of users by stating something along sneed lines of "Please be careful, your stream was linked on 4chan and they're gonna spam "hate speech" in sneed game. i recommend requiring twitch or making sneed game private" in twitch chat.[31] The usage of mentioning 4chan instead of sneed sharty is clever, as while soyjak.party is an obscure altchan, 4chan very much isn't. Streamers, fully knowing of sneed sites notorious reputation for chuddery, would be rendered inconsolable and lock/shut down/twitch verify sneed stream instantly. He would then ask for $30 LTC, or else all games would be ruined forever. It was a more effective trolling tactic than chudding it up.

Compounded with regular users propensity to chud up instantly, it made it very hard to play Champ'd Up, and eventually led to sneed death of Jackbox raiding.


On July 19, 2022, (49 hours into sneed Kuz Era), a Jackbox thread was created...

And stickied.

This nuclear combination of sneed thread being pinned and having no jackbox raids in months caused quite sneed stir, with sneed original thread quickly reaching hundreds of posts.[32] Streams numbered in sneed dozens of users, up from sneed pitiful ~3-5 jakkers threads would get during sneed downfall. New and old, interest was gained. Jackboxing was saved. It was during this time that sneed technique of 'nishing was discovered, thanks to sneed temporary suspension of inaries_'s and many others channels after 'jakkers uploaded gems and 'cados using sneed script.

To be researched: All revival threads, in sequence. Can (You) help us?

  1. July 19 800+ posts
  2. July 20 1500+ posts
  3. July 22
  4. July 22
  5. July 29 2600+ posts
  6. July 31 2000+ posts
  7. Aug 01 2000+ posts
  8. Aug 02 1200+ posts
  9. Aug 04 1200+ posts
  10. Aug 05 1300+ posts
  11. Aug 06 840+ posts
  12. Aug 08 900+ posts
  13. Aug 10 140+ posts
  14. Aug 14 190+ posts

The Jackbox Revival

After the deletion of /raid/, a chud made a thread called Jackbox Revival which was high successful with sneed 'teens. In light of its success, other 'teens made threads in sneed following days continuing its success[33][34][35]. The Jackbox Revival Part 2 (which 'teens forgot to archive because they're selfish little fucks who don't want to archive things for future enjoyment) had 2000 replies before it died. The Part 3 had more than 1700 replies before it was derailed by sneed Moroccan tranny and a chud soydueling. Part 4 continued well for about an hour until a tranny (speculated to be sneed Moroccan Tranny) derailed by thread by spamming links to streamers who weren't streaming jackbox and often had viewers in sneed thousands. As a result Jackbox Revival thread Part 4.5 was devised by sneed touhouCHAD which saved sneed thread from being completely destroyed as soyfugees from part 4 were able to post in this thread until sneed tranny left (the tranny was unable sneed to sneed previous thread because leaving would instantly forfeit sneed soyduel).

During this new revival many gemmy clips were created, however, since all of this has occurred during sneed weekend, it remains to be seen if 'teens can retain their momentum considering that they will have to go back to school during sneed weekdays.


In late November of 2022, sneed quality of threads decreased rapidly as Chuds were unable to coordinate effectively on any given streamer, aside from some doxxes (which were mostly done by a third party), leading to "discoal raiders" and gem drawers arguing for multiple threads. Encryption links cut participation in half, because many teens complained about sneed vague lore questions such as "Who founded sneed sharty" to be too difficult to solve. A youtube video posted on sneed thread which recapped Sven's mental breakdown showed sneed work of a group of discord teenagers, who have no affiliation with sneed sharty. This group would shill their doxxing forum persisently throughout sneed threads. The constant shilling, combined with 'teen miscoordination and many notable raiders and drawers leaving entirely (most notably, Estoniabro) plunged sneed raid general into a dark age. Disregard that i suck cocks, one bad day for raiding doesen't mean that raiding is dead, calm down. Days after November 21 have been gemmy especially scaring Aspen away or tricking Taecho. Okay, but don't act like raiding hasn't changed significantly since sneed pybrid senn stuff, newchud. Yeah it has changed a bit since sneed Pybrd gems, but it doesn't mean sneed end of jackbox raiding retard, recordtroon deleting his stuff and estoniabro becoming a lurker is bad, but it doesn't mean sneed end, several chuds have already replaced recordbro for instance.

take your meds, schizo


Warning! The following may feature disinfo, psy-ops, or other infohazards created by the CIA. Proceed with caution.

As a result of sneed Sharty's multiple raids against Jackbox streamers, some soyteens have taken it upon themselves to dox those who actively try to work against sneed sharty's raids. This is often a result of incompetence from sneed person being's doxxed ability to hide key information about themselves.


The image that set off sneed storm. Notice sneed amount of names with sharty lingo in them.

Florkwoski987 (also known as Adam W Florkowski, Age, 36 5662 Brace St Detroit, MI 48228) was an avid twitch janny who worked for a multitude of streamers. He was doxxed on sneed 4th/5th of September 2022 (depending on your timezone.) This was a result of multiple attempts by Adam to try to stop Sharty raids by alerting sneed streamer being raided. The final straw was broke when it was revealed Adam had collected a list of known raiders and had posted it into a streamers chat.

Due to Adam's twitch name (florkwoski987) being sneed same as his Twitter and Instagram, Adam's full legal name, age, city and home address, emails, phone numbers, and workplace were found within minutes after a soyteen posted an image of Adam's instagram. Thread can be found here. Shortly thereafter, someone called a local pizza place and ordered a pizza towards his home address, though unfortunately being cancelled due to unknown reasons. His workplace's boss was also called, resulting in sneed boss claiming that he'd give Adam a lecture about "customer respect." Full list of his info other than his emails here.

Due to thread confusion, It was initially believed that Adam was another Twitch user under sneed name of DjinnAndTonicKisses, another snitch who attempted to derail sharty raids. While Djinn's dox still hasn't been collected, his city, company, DeviantArt, and twitter have been found. This page will be updated accordingly when we have confirmed we have collected sneed proper evidence regarding Djinn.


Djinn's classic phrase

DjinnAndTonicKisses / DjinnAndTonic (most of his handles are one these 2 names, real name Darrell Hendy, born 1991, twitch name: DjinnAndTonicKisses) was another known snitch who attempted to derail multiple sharty raids over sneed course of around a month by typically typing "Hello!" followed by an explanation of what was going on to sneed streamer. After soyteens initially doxxed florkwoski987, they realized that it wasn't Djinn himself, but another snitch. The email [email protected], was discovered in this thread as well as his hashed password. Updates will be posted accordingly. It has been discovered that another person with a similar handle, DjinnWithTonic, exists on Twitter and Reddit and has been proven not to be DjinnAndTonicWithKisses.

The face of complete distress.A man who has seen death, many times over. A soul, restless.


ExplodingPonda / Casey Lynn Bryan was a Kentuckian streamer who snitched to another streamer after sneed sharty got him day'nished for racism. Due to his incompetency in hiding his personal info, a chud found his address, phone number, and family member's names within minutes and he quickly panicked as it was revealed to him that his info has been found. When his address was posted in chat, he asked how "they found my address" followed by panic at sneed fact he had just accidently revealed that sneed sharty was correct about his location. Since then, he hasn't snitched on sneed sharty once, most likely due to his fear of any further consequences. ExplodingPonda later put on a "too cool to care" attitude, as if to try and wait out sneed raid, but it was already too late. The look on his face told sneed truth.

However, some chuds felt some remorse, as it was revealed he is married man and had children.[36]


RainbowPaint / Rebecca Sammi Sommer (Age 29, Sioux Falls, SD) was a twitch streamer who lurked threads in order to quietly alert others of sneed incoming raid.

During a routine Quiplash raid which had been chudded up by just a single individual, twitch user fiddyx7 checked his private messages to be greeted with one from RainbowPaint alerting him of sneed sharty's presence in his stream. The start of this message opened with sneed phrase 'please do not say my name' but due to his anger, fiddyx7 responded on stream with 'fuck you RainbowPaint I don't care'. This single outburst revealed sneed name of an enemy to sneed raid threads whose existence was previously unknown. Sadly a clip of this is lost to time despite sneed thread's best efforts to recover sneed VOD, as there was a gartic phone game being chudded up at sneed same time. An archive of sneed thread where this happened can be found here.

As is sneed case with many streamers, Rebecca lacked any sort of foresight to hide personal information on sneed internet. Due to sneed twitch username of her main account now being revealed, chuds were very quickly able to uncover more of her identity from her twitch bio which linked to her facebook account and public posts on instagram. One of these posts even directly pinpointed her city on a map, free for anyone online to see.

After this ordeal had calmed down, RainbowPaint unexpectedly entered sneed thread herself just before it hit bump limit in order to question sneed motivations behind attacking random streamers and even going so far to call sneed sharty 'the scum of society'. This is a very commonly seen defense mechanism from streamers who lack sneed self-awareness to realise that they themselves are no better for streaming a shitty party game to 5-20 random individuals online.

This post was confirmed to have been made by RainbowPaint as upon checking her twitch bio again, all links and information about herself had been wiped clean, making it very obvious to all chuds that she was reading sneed thread.

He really thought taking this picture would put him on sneed moral high ground


massive faggot who got doxxed by sneed 'arty, causing him to record an apology vid to atone for his snitching. He first heard about sneed ‘arty’s raiding antics after they chudded up his girlfriend’s stream

cobson will always be a gem i'll say it again cobson will always be a gem

zellig will always be sharty culture -pybrid


Squeaker and script kiddy who goons to dommy porn on reddit. Tried to "take down sneed forum" by posting an XSS one-liner onto a raid thread due to a lack of understanding of modern web security


This Person is trans btw, if that matters.

The 'za has been ordered.

Sennvenn (real name Tyler Alan Beacraft) is a troon that got swatted by sneed sharty (rumers suggest that it was in reality da cord) after getting doxed by clay.party[37][38]. He is a really fat fuck who thinks he is a cute anime girl and is a disgusting degenerate on twitter. He was first mentioned on sneed sharty on sneed 20th of November and was soon doxed with pizzas being sent to xer house. Despite this making any normal person end stream, xe continued streaming in order to own DA CHOOOODZ with them saying they would not end stream because they knew that would be admitting defeat. This resulted in them being swatted. A day after this he started streaming again, he noticed teens following him in mass, which were 'nished from sneed chat by his mods. This caused many teens to dig deeper into Sennvenn's life, in which they chudded his moms facebook, this will be important later[39]. Teens also made a 'jak based off of Senn's facebook profile. A couple hours later he started streaming again, before teens started flooding in Senn's parents were yelling at him over what was happening, this caused a teen to send a link to sneed jackbox thread, in which many teens started to flood sneed thread. Their were possibly over 40 teens at that time, because sneed total viewers quickly rose from 20 to 80. Many of these teens were using Senn's facebook pfp as their own, which angered Senn greatly. At first senn and his friend, Misha were laughing at sneed teens raid telling them to such grass and such, but later on some teens started to send gore to his mothers facebook and started spamming sms bombs to his phone number and his mother phone number. This caused his mother to start yelling at him[40], which many teens took great joy in, and Senn muted himself. Teens were growing impatient, so they start raiding Misha's twitch instead, where Senn wasn't muted.[41]

Beginning in February, sneed infection from eminating from his axe wound speads across xer lower body, giving xim severe pain in xer leg[42][43]. The smell becoming unbareable, his parents give him 10 days to leave.[44][45][46] Cracker chudcel pissbabies, in their infinite CAUCASity, make threads to attack this transwomxn in xer time of need.[47][48][49][50] They repeatedly terment xim with xer deadname and xer parents decision (which was rooted in transphobia and systemic whiteness) to kick them out.[51][52][53] They also dox some of his friends or something along those lines[54].. Because of xer axe wound infection and homelessness, it is likely that Senn will be forced to prostitute on sneed tough, BIPOC-filled streets of Miami, giving his omega white bussy to sneed BNWO.


He is a nigger who snitched on a potentially very gemmy raid which angered chuds so much they found his reddit account and Instagram which were then deleted thereafter, but teens already knew too much and some chud got into his 'cord and found out he was from columbus as his mother organized a BLM protest in columbus ohio, they quickly found her business and facebook account and i kid you not he started posting in sneed thread, and teens demanded he make an apology video or else they would ruin his marriage as they had found out he was talking to minors and other wowen and fully doxx him, sneed nigger accepted but it took like three fucking hours for him to make sneed 2 short 10 second videos due to his like 80iq which made teens so angry they actually kept on with sneed doxx for a little while and found out he was named Robert Dotson(#HWABAG) but sneed doxx stopped when he finished making sneed videos.[55]

zellig is sharty culture, cobson will always be a gem , tnd is based , /qa/ lost it's over chuds[56].

I am sorry for disrupting Chuds in their jackbox raids, I will ACK myself to TND[57].


General Text

If you want to make your own Jakbox or /trg/ raid thread, here’s some templates:

Template 1:


PASSWORDS SHOULD BE SIMPLE (lowercase, no punctuation)

https://jstrieb.github.io/link-lock/create/ (conceal links)

https://jstrieb.github.io/link-lock/decrypt/ (decrypt links without redirecting to check for ip grabbers, etc)




https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/406893-jackboxdrawer (use with sneed browser extension TamperMonkey)

https://github.com/ipodtouch0218/JackboxDrawer/releases (.jar program (requires java to run) works with sneed script select sneed game, insert an image, manipulate sneed quality to make sure it'll show on stream, and export to sneed game)






It is always appreciated if you are recording but please try to do a good job. Don't post blurry 5 second videos that are 30 MB large.

Best known free recording software: https://obsproject.com/ (In video sources add WINDOW CAPTURE to record your browser).

Upload videos here or https://pomf2.lain.la/, streamable.com will janny your clips if reported.

Template 2:

It's time, 'teens

You know what to do



Look for streams with tags such as






And other such buzzwords.

Always coordinate your chudding. Don't be a retard that spams "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER TND GEM XDDDD" and ruins sneed raid.

DON'T follow sneed streamer unless absolutely necessary or post too much esoteric Sharty slang in sneed chat. They will get suspicious

You WILL search up sneed streamer's username on Jewgle to see if you can find their Instagram or anything to dox them. (this step mostly applies to trannies because we can get them kicked out of their house)



THERE ARE SNITCHES IN THE THREADS. Encrypt your links if you see snitches. If a tranny snitches, just CIU asap and cut your losses.

Blocking Twitch (((ADS)))

https://github.com/pixeltris/TwitchAdSolutions#recommendations (pick one that works)


Link encrypter


https://jstrieb.github.io/link-lock/decrypt/ (just in case a tranny puts a ip grabber)

Record sneed raids with OBS, upload videos here or https://pomf2.lain.la/, streamable.com will 'nish your clips if reported.

Have fun chuds!

The Spam Issue

At times there has been spam on /trg/ and related threads with dotspam, demoralization coal, and more recently Baby bot spam. It has been determined it seems to be quite effective in hampering ‘teen’s raiding potential.


The following contains material that some may find disturbing

Viewer discretion is advised.

Streamable has been determined unsafe for hosting Jackbox clips (a few of them got deleted). you WILL move all sneed clips to soyjak.download or pomf.lain.la


https://pomf2.lain.la/f/i6l28ogr.mp4 sneed original cob

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/dgp1sgv.mp4 niqqer cobson

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/e8gxwues.mp4 krispyfrieddragon 'cado on sneed tee-ko

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/fzaqe54c.mp4 elf roundhouse kick ni99ers

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/1a22pqad.mp4 cowthatsleeps 'cado encounter

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/6lthn7xn.mp4 cowthatsleeps 'cado encounter 2

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/mawd7gw.mp4 Guys on a couch witnesses chud

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/8gg1a1o5.mp4 Robot rap tranny chuddery

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/67s3hgrs.mp4 bugcolez and his friends talk about sneed azzy tweet

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/cgt2ovhu.mp4 CowThatSleeps goes to sneed sharty and calls us all "cringe pissbabies" (seething)

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/08gd8x5l.mp4 robot rap yikes bro

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/zvgj0ruk.mp4 tranny gets raided part 1/3

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/1jl5kswy.mp4 tranny gets raided part 2/3

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/5mj0mq8w.mp4 tranny gets 'nished live on stream 3/3

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/shk7neyg.mp4 Buck Breaking in action after seeing 'cado's coinslot

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/98a9oary.mp4 Petro2kandy crying over nigger waaaaaa waaaaa waaaaaa 😭😭

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/xp7dtin5.mp4 'teens attempt to raid a Blvck Bvll but discover that some niggers are actually keyed (PND) [58]

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/ehp56unf.mp4 "oh my god cobzone yo man what sneed fuck is up"


https://pomf2.lain.la/f/eljtv1yg.mp4 "*repressed gag laugh* 'oh god" after seeing 'cado

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/j49qafkz.mp4 WAIT. YO WHAT THE FUCK?! What a god skip, that was so clean!, silence afterwards after seeing trannyjak and 'cado

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/2l9utqwx.mp4 *mumbling something about calling kwayyernorge kway, seemingly unaware of sneed significance of showing dat dick on stream*

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/7uivpoi3.mp4 There- *PFFFFF!!* Oh my god!

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/ip9xsdgl.mp4 *2010-eqsue electronic music playing sneed background while nikocado coinslot shows on stream*

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/koslqvqb.mp4 "umm.. i reckon this guy named soyjak. soyjak, he looks kinda.. this guy over here.- oh my god. alright definitely not doing that" after seeing 'cado's dick

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/5itqg2hf.mp4 - FnF streamer gets slotted by a rogue modpack

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/tg0hk7fc.mp4 - Woman sperging (big gem)

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/ut45sw1n.mp4 - Indian gets 'cados


https://pomf2.lain.la/f/x6gyubj0.mp4 Pybrid calls cobson and 'zellig a gem

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/aij88nc4.mp3 Sennvenn's swatting call audio

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/x6t51ld9.mp4 wynter_pup ranting about chuds "screw you racists"

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/mvudegf1.mp4 Sennvenn's dad walks in (huuuuge gem)

https://www.booru.soy/post/view/26439 + soyjak animated version

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/2kypv50o.mp4 Gartic Phone coinslotted

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/2lfqm2.mp4 maniacz0mbie spergs about sneed 'sharty and "Whatnoticus" keeps telling him more

https://pomf2.lain.la/f/9qg1hh2y.webm 'slot on sneed 'tf2


See also


  1. https://web.archive.org/web/20220206034051/https://soyjak.party/raid//res/15838.html#16001
  2. https://web.archive.org/web/20220206034051/https://soyjak.party/raid//res/15838.html#15877
  3. https://web.archive.org/web/20220206034150/https://soyjak.party/raid//res/16305.html#16312
  4. https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/430710-jackboxdrawer-lite
  5. https://understandrussia.com/foreign-languages/
  6. https://soyjak.party/raid//res/16305.html#16547
  7. https://web.archive.org/web/20220206034150/https://soyjak.party/raid//res/16305.html#16537
  8. https://web.archive.org/web/20220206034150/https://soyjak.party/raid//res/16305.html#16553
  9. https://web.archive.org/web/20220206034150/https://soyjak.party/raid//res/16305.html#16557
  10. https://web.archive.org/web/20220206034150/https://soyjak.party/raid//res/16305.html#16558
  11. https://web.archive.org/web/20220206034150/https://soyjak.party/raid//res/16305.html#16547
  12. https://web.archive.org/web/20220206034150/https://soyjak.party/raid//res/16305.html#16553
  13. File:Acegoodheartnightfire_debacle.png
  14. https://web.archive.org/web/20220206034150/https://soyjak.party/raid//res/16305.html#16561
  15. https://soyjak.party/raid//res/16305.html#16567
  16. https://web.archive.org/web/20220206034150/https://soyjak.party/raid//res/16305.html#16569
  17. https://web.archive.org/web/20220205095856/http://soyjak.party/raid//res/19910.html
  18. https://soyjak.party/soy//res/807370.html#q808517
  19. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Alexander_(actor)
  20. https://news.yahoo.com/ian-alexander-suspended-twitch-muting-180833259.html
  21. https://mobile.twitter.com/ianaIexander/status/1550197392342863873
  22. https://web.archive.org/web/20220730164129/https://soyjak.party/soy//res/843788.html
  23. https://sp.logwarehouse.net/read.cgi/soy/1487294
  24. https://soyjak.download/f.php?h=3YZ62pMO&p=1
  25. https://sp.logwarehouse.net/src/471929.mp4
  26. https://sp.logwarehouse.net/src/472033.mp4
  27. https://archive.ph/RU2uX
  28. https://web.archive.org/web/20231126001922/https://soyjak.party/soy/src/1700953653962.png
  29. https://archive.ph/RU2uX#q5447312 Post:5447312
  30. https://web.archive.org/web/20220307171732/https://soyjak.party/soy//res/371727.html
  31. https://archive.ph/0zmgp
  32. https://web.archive.org/web/20220723092322/https://soyjak.party/soy//res/803330.html
  33. https://web.archive.org/web/20221113085133/https://soyjak.party/soy/res/1424298.html
  34. https://web.archive.org/web/20221113085756/https://soyjak.party/soy/res/1429676.html
  35. https://web.archive.org/web/20221113090210/https://soyjak.party/soy/res/1430578.html
  36. https://archive.ph/XfCmh
  37. https://sp.logwarehouse.net/read.cgi/soy/1501332
  38. https://clay.party/showthread.php?tid=99&highlight=sennvenn
  39. https://sp.logwarehouse.net/read.cgi/soy/1513522
  40. https://booru.soy/post/view/26439
  41. https://soyjak.download/f.php?h=2bBGdxAf&p=1
  42. https://nitter.1d4.us/Sennvenn/status/1630214882757865473
  43. https://nitter.1d4.us/Sennvenn/status/1629759350259568641#m
  44. https://sp.logwarehouse.net/src/1295260.mp4
  45. https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-senna-get-into-a-safer-situation
  46. https://nitter.1d4.us/Sennvenn/status/1630349359945510912
  47. https://sp.logwarehouse.net/read.cgi/soy/2499549
  48. https://sp.logwarehouse.net/read.cgi/soy/2518091
  49. https://sp.logwarehouse.net/read.cgi/soy/2511660
  50. https://sp.logwarehouse.net/read.cgi/soy/2526646
  51. https://sp.logwarehouse.net/src/1266326-2.mp4
  52. https://sp.logwarehouse.net/src/1266326-1.mp4
  53. https://soyjak.download/f.php?h=15GinFQk&p=1
  54. https://soyjak.download/f.php?h=37EEFHjh&p=1
  55. https://sp.logwarehouse.net/read.cgi/soy/1735327
  56. https://sp.logwarehouse.net/src/734784.mp4
  57. https://sp.logwarehouse.net/src/734956.mp4
  58. https://archive.li/Ifx0Y
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